AMAZON RIVER BASIN PRECIPITATION DATA SET 1.0 Introduction This README file contains information on the structure of the Amazon River Basin precipitation data, locations, and pertinent scientific references. The Amazon River Basin precipitation data were provided by Dr. Jeffrey Richey at the University of Washington. The precipitation grids were derived from data which was collected daily by the gauging network operated by the Divisao Nacional de Aguas e Energia Eletrica (DNAEE, SGAN 603 Modulo J, Anexo DNC, CEP 70.830-030 Brasilia DF, Brazil). The DNAEE provided the EOS Regional Amazon Model (EOSRAM) project with this data for cooperative analysis. The EOSRAM project has recently been renamed to the EOS Amazon Project. The project includes both empirical and modeling studies of rainfall and runoff from sample hillslopes to the entire Amazon basin. The principal investigator for the project is Thomas Dunne, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Washington, AJ-20, Seattle, WA 98195, Additional information about the project can be obtained from MOSAIC at the University of Washington Amazon River Basin Home Page. The precipitation data is 0.2 degree gridded monthly precipitation data. The data spans the period from January 1972 to December 1992. 2.0 Monthly Amazon River Basin Precipitation Data The data is contained in one file which is in tar and compressed format covering the period from January 1972 through December 1992. When this file is uncompressed and untarred, 21 HDF files are generated. Each HDF file corresponds to one year within the data set and contains 12 images (one image per month). The monthly total precipitation is in a 126 by 151 element array. The data is based on monthly rain datasets from Peru and Bolivia and daily rain datasets from Brazil. The precipitation data is derived from a linear interpolation of all stations within one degree with data from a minimum of four stations. Topographic and other information is not used int the interpolations. The precipitation data is in units of total mm/month. The extent of the gridded data ranges from latitudes of 20.0S to 5.2N and longitudes from 79.6W to 49.4W. The data are extrapolated to the edge of the Amazon River Basin, and are much less reliable outside Brazil and Bolivia. Cells outside the Amazon River Basin are coded zero. 3.0 Scientific References No publications to date. For additional information contact: ORNL DAAC User Services Office ORNL DAAC Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 865-241-3952 Author: MSFC DAAC Staff