File Name Convention -------------------- The files in this data set are named using the following naming convention: snowfree_albedo_1d_YYYYmm.asc where: snowfree_albedo identifies the snow-free albedo data set. 1d identifies the spatial resolution of the data set where 1d stands for a spatial resolution of 1 degree in both latitude and longitude. YYYY is the four-digit year from 1982 to 1998. mm00 is the two-digit month from 01 to 12. This data set also includes files that contain estimates of the reflectance of the soil/litter background in both visible and Near-Infrared wavelengths. These files are named "bkgrd_refl_vis_1d.asc" and "bkgrd_refl_nir_1d.asc", respectively. Each of these files has two additional files associated with them that show the differences between the original land/water mask used with the data and the land/water mask used in this ISLSCP Initiative II Data Collection. Files named "bkgrd_refl_yyy_1d.dif" are called ÔdifferencesÕ files and contain any points that have either been added or removed from the original data because of a mismatch with the ISLSCP II land/water mask. Files named "bkgrd_refl_yyy_1d_changemap.asc" are ASCII gridded maps that show the differences between the land/water boundaries of the original soil/litter reflectance files and the ISLSCP Initiative II land/water mask. For all of these files "yyy" can denote either nir or vis. Note also that the differences files and "change" maps are not available for the snow-free albedo data set. ################################################################################ ASCII File Format ------------------ All of the files in the ISLSCP Initiative II data collection are in the ASCII, or text format. The file format consists of numerical fields of varying length, which are delimited by a single space and arranged in columns and rows. All values in these files are written as real numbers. Water bodies are assigned the value of -99 while missing data are over land are assigned the value of -88. Permanent Ice is assigned the value of -77 on the Snow-Free albedo fields. The files in this data set contain exactly 360 columns by 180 rows. The soil/litter reflectance ASCII map files (with the extension of ".asc") have all had the ISLSCP II land/water mask applied to them. All points removed from the original files are stored in "differences" files (with the extension ".dif"). These ASCII files contain the Latitude and Longitude location of the cell-center of each removed point, and the data value at that point. At the bottom of these files are also a list of all points added to the file through "nearest neighbor averaging" interpolation (see documentation), where the land/water mask indicated land but there was no data in the original file. There is also a column called "Interpolation_Level" that contains the number of times the interpolation routine was run to get a value for that point. The higher the number, the less reliable the value is. There is one ".dif" file for each ASCII map file. The "change map" files show the results of applying the land/water mask to the original soil/litter reflectance files, as a viewable ASCII map: all points added (positive number, containing the "Interpolation_Level", see above), all points unchanged ("0"), and all points removed ("-1"). There are no differences files or change maps for the Snow-Free albedo fields. All files are gridded to a common equal-angle lat/long grid, where the coordinates of the upper left corner of the files are located at 180oW, 90oN and the lower right corner coordinates are located at 180oE, 90oS. Data in the files are ordered from North to South and from West to East beginning at 180 degrees West and 90 degrees North.