File Name Convention -------------------- The filenames for the various files in this data set use the following naming convention: modis_f_xxx_ss_yyyymmdd_BB.asc where, xxx is: bsa: Black_Sky_Albedo wsa: White_Sky_Albedo pc: Percentage of original MOD43B3 data per grid cell ss is the spatial resolution: 1d: 1 degree resolution hd: half degree resolution qd: quarter degree resolution YYYYmmdd: Where YYYY is year, mm is month and dd is day for the starting date of the 16-day period of coverage. BB is the spectral band: b1=Albedo for MODIS band 1 (620-670 nm) b2=Albedo for MODIS band 2 (841-876 nm) b3=Albedo for MODIS band 3 (459-479 nm) b4=Albedo for MODIS band 4 (545-565 nm) b5=Albedo for MODIS band 5 (1230-1250 nm) b6=Albedo for MODIS band 6 (1628-1652 nm) b7=Albedo for MODIS band 7 (2105-2155 nm) bb1=MODIS broadband albedo 1 (300-700 nm) bb2=MODIS broadband albedo 2 (700-5000 nm) bb3=MODIS broadband albedo 3 (300-5000 nm) ############################################################################## ASCII File Format ------------------ All of the files in the ISLSCP Initiative II data collection are in the ASCII, or text format. The file format consists of numerical fields of varying length, which are delimited by a single space and arranged in columns and rows. The files at different spatial resolutions each contain the following numbers of column and rows: One degree: 360 columns by 180 rows 1/2 degree: 720 columns by 360 rows 1/4 degree: 1440 columns by 720 rows All files are gridded to a common equal-angle lat/long grid, where the coordinates of the upper left corner of the files are located at 180 degrees W, 90 degrees N, and the lower right corner coordinates are located at 180 degrees E, 90 degrees S. Data in the files are ordered from North to South and from West to East beginning at 180 degrees West and 90 degrees North. The files have all had the ISLSCP II land/water mask applied to them. Thus, all water is encoded as -99.000 and missing data over land is -88.000. The multi-spectral albedo files are all stored as real number values from 0 to 1 and the albedo quality information files are all stored with values from 0 to 100. Each pixel corresponds to the same pixel in the multi-spectral albedo files for each measurement period. The value describes the percentage of original MOD43B3 data contained in each grid cell.