File Name Convention -------------------- The following files are included in this data set: erbe_albedo_orig_YYYYMM00.asc: 38 files with the original ERBE monthly clear-sky top of atmosphere albedos (unitless) at a 2.5 degree resolution (lat./lon.). Here YYYY is the year from 1986 to 1990 and MM is the month from 01 to 12. The 00 means that this is a monthly average. ***NOTE: March through December 1990 data are NOT available. erbe_albedo_1deg_YYYYMM00.asc: Same as above but for 1 degree spatial resolution (lat/long). ################################################################################ ASCII Data Format ----------------- All of the files in the ISLSCP Initiative II data collection are in the ASCII, or text format. The file format consists of numerical fields of varying length, which are delimited by a single space and arranged in columns and rows. The 2.5 degree original ERBE S4G data sets are organized with 144 columns (i.e. pixels) and 72 total rows (i.e. lines). The 1 degree resolution data sets contain 360 pixels per line and 180 lines. All values are written as real numbers. Missing values are assigned the value of -99 on all data layers. All files are gridded to a common equal-angle lat/long grid, where the coordinates of the upper left corner of the files are located at 180 degrees W, 90 degrees N and the lower right corner coordinates are located at 180 degrees E, 90 degrees S. Data in the files are ordered from North to South and from West to East beginning at 180 degrees West and 90 degrees North.