ISLSCP II Cloud and Meteorology Parameters ############################################################################## File Name Convention -------------------- The files in this data set contain monthly cloud and meteorological parameter data for the years 1986-1994 and January-October for 1995. A complete listing of all parameters included in this data set is provided below. All data files are organized by variable, and have a file extension of ".zip" . There are 8 data files *.zip, with this data set: The 472 ASCII file names within each of the zip files are named as follows: srb_variable_av_1d_YYYYMM00.asc where srb is short for "Surface Radiation Budget". variable this is the variable name (See below for listing). The variable name can also include "_av" for mean, "_sd" for standard deviation, "_mn" for minimum, or "_mx" for maximum data. 1d This identifies the spatial resolution of the data: "1d" for 1-degree in both latitude and longitude. YYYY 4-digit year from 1986 to 1995. MM 2-digit month from 01 to 12. 00 denotes a monthly value. ############################################################################## ASCII File Format ------------------ All of the files in the ISLSCP Initiative II data collection are in standard ArcGIS, ASCII grid, text format. The file format consists of numerical fields which are arranged in columns and rows. The files in these data sets all contain 360 columns by 180 rows. All files are gridded to a common equal-angle lat/long grid with a spatial resolution of 1.0 degree lat/long, where the coordinates of the upper left corner of the files are located at 180 degrees W, 90 degrees N and the lower right corner coordinates are located at 180 degrees E, 90 degrees S. Data in the files are ordered from North to South and from West to East beginning at 180 degrees West and 90 degrees North. ############################################################################## Parameter Listing ----------------- The following is a listing of all the parameters included in this data set. The "File Types" column indicates the temporal resolution of the data for any particular parameter. The values in parentheses in the "File Types" column indicate whether the mean ("av"), standard deviation ("sd"), maximum ("mx"), or minimum ("mn"). Cloud Data ========== Variable Description (Units) File Types -------- ------------------- ---------- cldamt total cloud amount (%) monthly (av,sd,mx,mn) cldtopp cloud-top pressure (hPa) monthly (av,sd,mx,mn) cldtopt cloud-top temperature (degrees K) monthly (av,sd,mx,mn) cwv column water vapor (g/cm2) monthly (av,sd,mx,mn) ozone column ozone (dobson units) monthly (av,sd,mx,mn) skint surface skin temperature (degrees K) monthly (av,sd,mx,mn) tau cloud optical depth (unitless) monthly (av,sd,mx,mn) water cloud liquid water path (g/m2) monthly (av,sd,mx,mn) av - File contains the mean (average) values sd - File contains the standard deviation values mx - File contains the maximum values mn - File contains the minimum values