ISLSCP II Total Plant-Available Soil Water Storage Capacity of the Rooting Zone ################################################################################ File Name Convention -------------------- The three files that make up this data set are named as follows: 1) root_depth_water_assim_1d.asc: Rooting zone water storage (mm H2O) derived from assimilation of NDVI-fPAR and atmospheric forcing data. 1d means a 1 degree spatial resolution in both latitude and longitude. 2) root_depth_water_optim_1d.asc: Rooting zone water storage (mm H2O) derived from optimization of absorbed PAR. 1d means a 1degree spatial resolution in both latitude and longitude. 3) root_depth_1d.dif: ASCII tables of "differences", or points in the original files that did not match the Land/Water mask used in this ISLSCP II data collection, and were removed from the ASCII map files. This file can be used with 1) and 2) to recreate the original files submitted by the investigator. ################################################################################ ASCII Data Format ----------------- All of the files in the ISLSCP Initiative II data collection are in the ASCII, or text format. The file format of the "root_depth_water_assim_1d.asc" and "root_depth_water_optim_1d.asc" files consists of numerical fields of varying length, which are delimited by a single space and arranged in columns and rows. The files in this data set contain 360 columns by 180 rows. All values are written as real numbers. Missing values over land are assigned the value of -88 while water bodies are assigned the value of -99 on all layers. The files are gridded to a common equal-angle lat/long grid with a spatial resolution of 1 degree lat/long, where the coordinates of the upper left corner of the files are located at 180 degrees W, 90 degrees N and the lower right corner coordinates are located at 180 degrees E, 90 degrees S. Data in the files are ordered from North to South and from West to East beginning at 180 degrees West and 90 degrees North.