############################################################################## # ISLSCP II IGBP NPP Output from Terrestrial Biogeochemistry Models # ############################################################################## File Name Convention -------------------- There are 2 *.zip files with this data set in 1.0 degree (1deg) and 0.5 degree (hdeg) spatial resolution: model_npp_1deg.zip and model_npp_hdeg.zip. These data contain gridded average Net Primary Productivity (NPP) for 17 global models of biogeochemistry, in gC/m2, the standard deviation of NPP for the 17 models, also in gC/m2, and the coefficient of variation of the 17 models, in percent. When extrapolated, the zip files contain the following ASCII (.asc) files (see below for complete file description). modeled_npp_average_Xd.asc: data for the gridded average Net Primary Productivity (NPP) for 17 global models of biogeochemistry, in gC/m2. Xd is either 1 for 1 degree or h for half-degree resolution. modeled_npp_cv_Xd.asc: data on the coefficient of variation (cv) of the NPP of the 17 models, in percent. Again Xd is for either 1 degree or half- degree resolution. modeled_npp_stdev_Xd.asc: data for the the standard deviation (stdev) of the NPP of the 17 models in gC/m2. Again Xd is for either 1 degree or half- degree resolution. ############################################################################## ASCII File Format ------------------ All of the files in the ISLSCP Initiative II data collection are in the ESRI ArcGIS ASCII, or text format. This file format consists of numerical fields of varying length, which are delimited by a single space and arranged in columns and rows. There are two resolutions to these data, one-degree (360 columns by 180 rows) and half-degree (720 columns by 360 rows. All values are written as real numbers. Missing values are assigned the value of -99.99. All files are gridded to a common equal-angle latitude by longitude grid, where the coordinates of the upper left corner is located at 180 degrees E and 90 degrees S. Data are ordered from North to South and from West to East beginning at 180 degrees W and 90 degrees N.