10/18/02 fsuadm_readme.txt State and Regional Boundaries for the Former Soviet Union (FSU) (ESRI) Data Files: ----------- fsuadmg.tar.gz - vector map of state and regional boundaries for the FSU in ArcView shapefile format (compressed). Contains five files: fsuadmg.shp, fsuadmg.shx, fsuadmg.dbf, fsuadmg.sbx, and fsuadmg.sbn. This shapefile is in a geographic (lat/lon) projection. (some would say it is unprojected) fsuadmla.tar.gz - vector map of state and regional boundaries for the FSU in ArcView shapefile format (compressed). Contains five files: fsuadmla.shp, fsuadmla.shx, fsuadmla.dbf, fsuadmla.sbx, and fsuadmla.sbn. This shapefile is in a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection. Viewer Images: -------------- fsuadmla.gif - a graphic map depicting administrative boundaries. Companion Files: ---------------- fsuadm_projection.txt - text file containing information on geographic projections used. fsuadm_readme.txt - this file.