readme.txt 5/6/2005 Global Gridded Surfaces of Selected Soil Characteristics (IGBP-DIS) This data set contains 7 data surfaces: soil-carbon density, total nitrogen density, field capacity, wilting point, profile availble water capacity, thermal capacity and bulk density. The surfaces were reformatted from the Global Soil Data Products CD-ROM. File Listing: /comp: bk.jpg - bulk density graphic map bulkdens.txt - companion text file to bulk density data (bulkdens.dat) fc.jpg - field capacity graphic map fieldcap.txt - companion text file to field capacity data (fieldcap.dat) pawc.jpg - profile available water capacity graphic map pawc.txt - companion text file to profile available water capacity data (pawc.dat) readme.txt - this text file sc.jpg - soil carbon density graphic map soilcarb.txt - companion text file to soil carbon density data (soilcarb.dat) tc.jpg - thermal capacity graphic map thermcap.txt - companion text file to thermal capacity data (thermcap.dat) tn.jpg - total nitrogen density graphic map totaln.txt - companion text file to total nitrogen density data (totaln.dat) wiltpont.txt - companion text file to wilting point data (wiltpont.dat) wp.jpg - wilting point graphic map /data: bulkdens.dat - bulk density data fieldcap.dat - field capacity data pawc.dat - profile available water capacity data soilcarb.dat - soil carbon density data thermcap.dat - thermal capacity data totaln.dat - total nitrogen density data wiltpont.dat - wilting point data Data Format: These data files are provided in ASCII GRID format for ARC INFO. Each file contains a single ASCII array in a geographic (lat/long) projection. The ascii files consist of header information containing a set of keywords, followed by cell values in row-major order. The first six lines of the ascii files (header) should read: ncols 4320 nrows 1686 xllcorner -180.0000 yllcorner -56.5000 cellsize 0.0833333 NODATA_value -2 To import the *.dat files into ARC INFO as GRIDS use one of the following commands: At the ARC prompt: Arc: ASCIIGRID FLOAT OR At the GRID prompt: Grid: (*) = ASCIIGRID (, FLOAT)