CRU05 1901-1996 0.5o Latitude/Longitude Monthly Climate Data 23 August 1998 Variables Directory Units Precipitation pre mm Wet day frequency rd0 days Mean temperature tmp degC*10 Diurnal temperature range dtr degC*10 Vapour pressure vap hPa*10 Cloud cover cld oktas*10 Format (ascii) One file per year per variable. The first and second lines of the file contain information on the grid size, for example, for a global field: grd_sz xmin ymin xmax ymax n_cols n_rows n_months 0.5 -179.75 -89.75 189.75 89.75 720 360 12 This is followed by 12 monthly grids that are n_cols by n_rows in size. Each record contains n_cols longitude values, format n_colsi5, starting at xmin and ending at xmax The first record starts at January, ymin and the last record is the row for December, ymax. Missing values (Antarctica, oceans and major inland water bodies) are assigned values of -9999. To read in one year of data the following program should work: program rd_ascii c f90 program to read in an integer ascii grid with c variable dimensions into a global grid (720x360x12) c parameter (n_cols=720,n_rows=360) integer*2 grid(n_cols,n_rows,12) character infl*72,fmt*20 call getarg(1,infl) if(infl.eq.' ')then write(*,*) 'Enter ascii grid file name' read(*,'(a72)')infl endif open(1,file=infl,status='old') read(1,*) read(1,*)gs,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,ncols,nrows,nmonths grid=-9999 fmt='( i5)' write(fmt(2:4),'(i3)')n_cols do im=1,nmonths do lat=1,n_rows read(1,fmt)(grid(lon,lat,im),lon=1,n_cols) enddo enddo end