This FLUXNET data set is freely available and is furnished for use by the research community. Please kindly inform the site investigators of how you are using he data and of any publication plans. If the PI or members of their team feel that they should be acknowledged or offered participation as authors, they will let you know and we assume that an agreement on such matters will be reached before publication. If your work directly competes with that of the PI's investigation team they may ask that they have the opportunity to submit a manuscript before you submit one that uses unpublished data. Please note that the data are subject to change. For information on updates for all of the Marconi data, users are urged to check the FLUXNET Project Web Page ( ) and to communicate with the contributing PIs before using the data. Users are urged to obtain these updates before they conduct any new analyses. Please acknowledge the data source (either the PI or the FLUXNET Web Site) as a citation or in the acknowledgments if the data are not yet published. In addition, when publishing, please acknowledge the agency that supported the flux tower research. Lastly, we kindly request that those publishing papers using FLUXNET data please provide preprints to the scientists providing the data and to the data archive at the Oak Ridge DAAC. If you have any questions, please contact the ORNL DAAC (