September 10, 1992 FIFE CD-ROM Volume 3 (Image Disk) --------------------------------- This CD-ROM is formal volume 3 of 5 for the FIFE Experiment data. It holds 60 aircraft-based NS001 Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS) image data sets acquired over the period of June 1987 to August 1989. The specific dates and number of images in each day are given in the following table. Note that image data files are in a compressed format. Number Year Date of Images ---- ---- --------- 1987 June 4 3 1987 June 6 6 1987 June 28 6 1987 August 15 12 1987 August 17 6 1987 October 11 12 1989 August 4 11 1989 August 11 4 Program Files ------------- There are three separate programs stored on this CD-ROM. They are each described below. IMAGES: This is the main MS-DOS based interface software. It will run on any IBM PC or compatable. It works best with a color monitor and a mouse, but these are not required. EXPAND: This is the image expansion software itself, compiled for MS-DOS. It is driven by the IMAGES interface software. IMDISP74: This is IMDISP 7.4, a piece of image viewing software developed at JPL. It can be used to display the decompressed images on your IBM PC or compatable. Document Files -------------- The following files are in the \DOCUMENT directory: FIFE.DOC - Description of the FIFE Project IMAGES.DOC - Documentation for the IMAGES interface software NS001_L1.DOC - Description of the NS001 Level 1 images USERHELP.DOC - How to get User Support for this CD-ROM WHATS_ON.CD3 - This file The following files are in the \DOCUMENT\EXPAND directory: EXPAND.C - Source code for the EXPAND software EXP_INST.DOC - Installation manual for the EXPAND software EXP_USER.DOC - User manual for the EXPAND software NS001_L1.EXP - Sample EXPND_IN.LIS file for the NS001 Level-1 images The Image Files --------------- The image data is stored as binary files. Each image type is detailed below. The file names follow a specific naming scheme, dictated by the limitations of MS-DOS. The format is YDDDHHMM.ext, where Y is the last digit of the year (it assumes the decade of the 1980's), DDD is the Gregorian/julian day number, HH is the hour when the data were collected (using 00 to 24), MM is the minutes of the hour when the data were collected, and the extension is a unique three letter identifier for the data set or designates the file number of the image product. NS001 TMS Image Files --------------------- There are 60 level-1 NS001 image products covering the dates specified in the table shown above, with each day having multiple images taken at different times. Each image product consists of 21 files: 1 ASCII header file (suffix NS1) 8 image files (suffixes 001 to 008) (1 for each band) 8 ancillary files (suffixes AN1 to AN8) (1 for each respective image band) 1 Latitude file (LAT) 1 Longitude file (LON) 1 View Azimuth file (VAZ) 1 View Zenith file (VZN) All of these files (except the ASCII header file) are compressed and require the use of the EXPAND program to restore them to their original form. See the files in the \DOCUMENT\EXPAND directory for instructions on the use of this program. The source code is included (EXPAND.C) so users can recompile the program and uncompress the images themselves (if necessary). Once the image bands are uncompressed, they contain 700 8-bit pixels in each of the n lines where n varies with each flight line. The ancillary files contain 8 bit ASCII values with one record for each image line. The geographic coordinate and angle files contain 32 bit binary values. The byte order of the restored multi-byte value fields are machine dependent. Some machines have the high-order byte first, and some have the low-order byte first. See EXP_INST.DOC in the \DOCUMENT\EXPAND directory for more details.