BOREAS TE-20 Soils Data over the NSA-MSA and Tower Sites in Raster Format Summary This data set was gridded from vector layers of soil maps that were received from Dr. Hugo Veldhuis, who did the original mapping in the field during 1994. The vector layers were gridded into raster files that cover the NSA-MSA and tower sites. The data are stored in binary, image format files. Note that some of the data set files on the BOREAS CD-ROMs have been compressed using the Gzip program. See section 8.2 for details. Table of Contents * 1 Data Set Overview * 2 Investigator(s) * 3 Theory of Measurements * 4 Equipment * 5 Data Acquisition Methods * 6 Observations * 7 Data Description * 8 Data Organization * 9 Data Manipulations * 10 Errors * 11 Notes * 12 Application of the Data Set * 13 Future Modifications and Plans * 14 Software * 15 Data Access * 16 Output Products and Availability * 17 References * 18 Glossary of Terms * 19 List of Acronyms * 20 Document Information 1. Data Set Overview 1.1 Data Set Identification BOREAS Soils Data over the NSA-MSA and Tower Sites in Raster Format 1.2 Data Set Introduction This data set contains soil properties and classification information over the BOREAS NSA-MSA and the tower sites. It was gridded to a 30-meter pixel resolution for the NSA-MSA area and a 10-meter pixel resolution for the tower sites. The data were reprojected into the BOREAS Grid system from the original map made by Dr. Hugo Veldhuis (University of Manitoba). 1.3 Objective/Purpose These data are provided as part of the BOREAS Staff Science Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Collection Program, which included the collection of pertinent map data in both hardcopy and digital form. This data set has been processed to provide raster files that can be used for modeling or for comparison purposes. The purpose of this data set is to provide information about the spatial distribution of soils and their characteristics over the NSA modeling sub-area and tower sites. 1.4 Summary of Parameters This data set contains information about the spatial distribution of soil classes around the NSA-MSA and tower sites along with soil class properties such as parent material, texture, slope class, and water table depth. A detailed list of parameters is given in Section 7. The polygon numbers in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) table files correspond to pixel values in the binary raster files. The value of each pixel can be linked to the table described in Section 7 in order to extract these parameters. 1.5 Discussion This data set was produced as vector layers by Dr.Veldhuis. Using aerial photography and field methods, he identified various soil polygons at a scale of 1:50,000 for the NSA-MSA (what Dr. Veldhuis calls the ‘super site’) and at 1:5,000 for the tower sites (Old Black Spruce (OBS), Old Jack Pine (OJP), Young Jack Pine (YJP), Fen, and Aspen). 1.6 Related Data Sets BOREAS TE-20 Lab Analysis of Soils Data. BOREAS TE-20 soils data or the NSA-MSA tower sites in vector format. 2. Investigators 2.1 Investigator Name and Title Dr. Hugo Veldhuis 2.2 Title of Investigation Soils of Tower Sites and Super Site Northern Study Area Thompson, Manitoba, Canada 2.3 Contact Information Contact 1 ------------------------- David Knapp NASA/GSFC Greenbelt, MD (301) 286-1424 (phone) (301) 286-0239 (fax) Contact 2 ------------------------- Dr. Hugo Veldhuis Agriculture & Agri-food Can. CLBRR, Manitoba Land Res. Univ. of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA (204)474-6124 (phone) (204) 275-5817 (fax) 3. Theory of Measurements The original soils mapping was performed by using a combination of field samples of the soil and aerial photographs. These digital map data provide investigators with a continuous surface of soil parameters that can be used for modeling purposes. 4. Equipment Please refer to the report submitted by Dr. Veldhuis regarding what equipment was used to perform the soils mapping. 4.1 Sensor/Instrument Description In addition to field techniques, aerial photography from 1971 through 1973 at a scale of 1:15,840 was used to map the soils at the tower sites. Aerial photography taken in 1978 at a scale of 1:50,000 was used to map the soils of the NSA-MSA. No additional information is available about this photography. 4.1.1 Collection Environment The original vector files were received in digital line graph (DLG) format from Dr. Veldhuis. 4.1.2 Source/Platform Unknown. 4.1.3 Source/Platform Mission Objectives Unknown. 4.1.4 Key Variables The key variables of this data set include: POLYNUM = Polygon number GRIDLOC = Grid location COMPONT = Polygon component (landscape element) NUMBER = Component rank number PERCENT = Percentage distribution of components KINDMAT = Kind of rock outcrop or other material at the surface LANDFRM = Local surface form PMDEPO1 = Mode of deposition or origin of first (upper) parent material TXTURE1 = Texture of first (upper) parent material TXTMOD1 = Texture modifier of first (upper) parent material PMDEPO2 = Mode of deposition or origin of second (middle) parent material TXTURE2 = Texture of second (middle) parent material TXTMOD2 = Texture modifier of second (middle) parent material PMDEPO3 = Mode of deposition or origin of third (lower) parent material TXTURE3 = Texture of third (lower) parent material TXTMOD3 = Texture modifier of third (lower) parent material COFRAGS = Coarse fragment content in control section of mineral soils SLOPE = Slope gradient class DRAINGE = Drainage class DEPTHWT = Depth to water table, average PFDISTR = Permafrost distribution or occurrence DPTHACT = Depth of active layer (average) ICECTNT = Ice content of permanently frozen layer DPTHLFH = Thickness of humus layer (L,F,H) DPTHORG = Average thickness of peat deposit SOILDEV = Soil development (soil classification) VARIANT = Classification variant or phase SOILTP1 = Dominant soil type associated with polygon component SOILPH1 = Soil phase or variant associated with dominant soil type SOILTP2 = Subdominant soil type associated with polygon component SOILPH2 = Soil phase or variant associated with subdominant soil type 4.1.5 Principles of Operation Unknown. 4.1.6 Sensor/Instrument Measurement Geometry Unknown. 4.1.7 Manufacturer of Sensor/Instrument Unknown. 4.2 Calibration 4.2.1 Specifications Unknown. Tolerance Unknown. 4.2.2 Frequency of Calibration Unknown. 4.2.3 Other Calibration Information Unknown. 5. Data Acquisition Methods A detailed report of the soils mapping effort was submitted by Dr. Veldhuis and is available. Part 2 of the report (Methodology) provides detailed information about data acquisition methods. 6. Observations The soils report by Dr. Veldhuis provides observations and descriptions of soils. Additional notes exist in files (not included here) submitted by Dr. Veldhuis. 7. Data Description 7.1 Spatial Characteristics The soil maps in this data set vary in their resolution and coverage. The details of these are given in the following sections. 7.1.1 Spatial Coverage The area mapped is projected in the BOREAS Grid system and is bounded by the following points. These coordinates are based on the NAD83 datum. NSA-MSA (1,286 pixels by 989 lines, 30-meter pixel size) Point BOREAS_X BOREAS_Y Longitude Latitude ----------------------------------------------------------- Northwest 761.070 630.660 98.70324W 56.05867N Northeast 799.650 630.660 98.09375W 55.99638N SouthWest 761.070 600.990 98.78647W 55.79667N Southeast 799.650 600.990 98.18092W 55.73479N NSA-Fen (130 pixels by 130 lines, 10-meter pixel size) Point BOREAS_X BOREAS_Y Longitude Latitude ----------------------------------------------------------- Northwest 780.590 618.680 98.42917W 55.92183N Northeast 781.890 618.680 98.40869W 55.91973N SouthWest 780.590 617.380 98.43291W 55.91036N Southeast 781.890 617.380 98.41243W 55.90826N NSA-OBS (130 pixels by 130 lines, 10-meter pixel size) Point BOREAS_X BOREAS_Y Longitude Latitude ----------------------------------------------------------- Northwest 777.540 614.230 98.48997W 55.88746N Northeast 778.840 614.230 98.46950W 55.88538N SouthWest 777.540 612.930 98.49369W 55.87599N Southeast 778.840 612.930 98.47323W 55.87390N NSA-OJP (130 pixels by 130 lines, 10-meter pixel size) Point BOREAS_X BOREAS_Y Longitude Latitude ----------------------------------------------------------- Northwest 767.860 617.990 98.63181W 55.93608N Northeast 769.160 617.990 98.61131W 55.93402N SouthWest 767.860 616.690 98.63549W 55.92460N Southeast 769.160 616.690 98.61499W 55.92254N NSA-OA (130 pixels by 130 lines, 10-meter pixel size) Point BOREAS_X BOREAS_Y Longitude Latitude ----------------------------------------------------------- Northwest 765.510 613.090 98.68269W 55.89654N Northeast 766.810 613.090 98.66221W 55.89448N SouthWest 765.510 611.790 98.68635W 55.88506N Southeast 766.810 611.790 98.66588W 55.88301N NSA-YJP (130 pixels by 130 lines, 10-meter pixel size) Point BOREAS_X BOREAS_Y Longitude Latitude ----------------------------------------------------------- Northwest 789.250 618.150 98.29431W 55.90313N Northeast 790.550 618.150 98.27384W 55.90101N SouthWest 789.250 616.850 98.29808W 55.89166N Southeast 790.550 616.850 98.27762W 55.88955N 7.1.2 Spatial Coverage Map See Section 7.1.1. 7.1.3 Spatial Resolution These data were gridded from their original vector form to a pixel resolution of 30 meters for the modeling sub-area and 10 meters for the tower sites. 7.1.4 Projection The area mapped is projected in the BOREAS Grid system that is based on the ellipsoidal version of the AEC projection. The projection has the following parameters: Datum: NAD83 Ellipsoid: GRS80 or WGS84 Origin: 111.000°W 51.000°N Standard Parallels: 52° 30' 00"N 58° 30' 00"N Units of Measure: kilometers 7.1.5 Grid Description The grid in which these images are projected is the BOREAS Grid system. The parameters for this projection are described in Section 7.1.4. 7.2 Temporal Characteristics 7.2.1 Temporal Coverage Field samples for mapping the modeling sub-area and tower sites were collected in 1994. Aerial photos taken in 1978 at a scale of 1:50,000 were used for extending the field samples to map the NSA-MSA. Aerial photos used to map the tower sites were taken in 1971 and 1972 at a scale of 1:15,840. 7.2.2 Temporal Coverage Map Not applicable. 7.2.3 Temporal Resolution Not applicable. 7.3 Data Characteristics These data are in an image format in which the value of a pixel represents the polygon number from the original vector data. This number can be related to a set of records in the ASCII soils table files. This soils table file contains parameters for the various polygons. There is a separate soils table for each map. In the NSA-MSA soils map, lakes are indicated with a polygon number equal to or greater than 5,000. There is no value in the corresponding soils table for these lake polygons. 7.3.1 Parameter/Variable POLYNUM GRIDLOC COMPONT NUMBER PERCENT KINDMAT LANDFRM PMDEPO1 TXTURE1 TXTMOD1 PMDEPO2 TXTURE2 TXTMOD2 PMDEPO3 TXTURE3 TXTMOD3 COFRAGS SLOPE DRAINGE DEPTHWT PFDISTR DPTHACT ICECTNT DPTHLFH DPTHORG SOILDEV VARIANT SOILTP1 SOILPH1 SOILTP2 SOILPH2 7.3.2 Variable Description/Definition Binary Raster Image Files POLYNUM: Number of the map polygon to which the pixel belongs. Unitless but coded value. ASCII Soil Table Files 1. POLYNUM = Number of the map polygon. 2. GRIDLOC = An alphanumeric grid to be used to find a particular polygon on the map. 3. COMPONT = Polygon component (landscape element). The landscape components that make up the area delineated by the polygon. A polygon may have one or many components. They are listed in order of extent. Code Class Description ---- ----------- ------------------------------------- D Dominant The D#components combined cover >50% of the land area of a polygon. S Subdominant The S#components combined cover <50 % of the land area of a polygon. I Inclusion Each inclusion covers <15% of the polygon, but the combined area of inclusions may be 25%. W Water Surface water in the form of lakes, ponds, or streams may cover between 5 and 100% of a polygon. 4. NUMBER = Component rank number. Landscape elements with similar parent material properties are considered to belong to the same general component. Thus, these elements together form the dominant or subdominant component in the polygon, but the individual elements will not be dominant or subdominant. To show the landscape relationship or parent material association, the elements are considered to belong to the dominant (D) or subdominant (S) group, but are ranked D1, D2, etc., according to their relative importance within the group. For example, three drainage conditions exist on a gently undulating glaciolacustrine blanket. The well- drained portion occupies 30% of the polygon area, imperfectly drained conditions exist in 15% of the polygon, and poorly drained areas with a thin peat cover occupy an additional 10% for a combined total of 55% making this grouping the dominant component in the polygon. Thus, these three elements will be labeled D1, D2, and D3, respectively. In the cases of inclusions (I) and water (W), the rank numbers link these components either to the dominant or to the subdominant components. The convention is that an odd rank number (1,3,5.) links the inclusion or water to the dominant component(s), while an even rank number links it to the subdominant component(s). 5. PERCENT = Percentage distribution of components. Percent area is estimated within the nearest 5%. Components <10% are not listed except for W. 6. KINDMAT = Kind of rock outcrop or other material at the surface. Code Class Description ----- ------------ ------------------------------ OR Organic soil Contains >30% organic matter by weight R2 Hard rock, acidic Granite SO Mineral soil Dominant mineral particles, contains <30% organic matter by weight WA Water Water 7. LANDFRM = Local surface form. Mineral surface forms. Two classes may be combined; for example, "bh" is hummocky blanket and "vi" is inclined veneer. Code Class Description ---- ----------- --------------------------------------- b blanket Unconsolidated surficial materials >1 m thick. d dissected Gullies or valleys dissect the component. h hummocky A complex sequence of slopes extending from concavities of various sizes to knolls or short, discontinuous ridges. i inclined A sloping, unidirectional surface with a generally constant slope not broken by marked irregularity or gullies. k knoll and kettle A very chaotic sequence of knolls, ridges, and kettles. l level A flat or very gently sloping unidirectional surface with a generally constant slope not broken by marked elevations and depressions; slopes are generally <2%. r ridged A long, narrow elevation of the surface, usually distinctly crested with steep sides. s steep Erosional slopes on both consolidated and unconsolidated materials. u undulating A regular sequence of gentle slopes that extends from rounded and, in some places, confined concavities to broad, rounded convexities; low local relief with slopes usually between 2 and 5%. v veneer Unconsolidated surficial materials <1 m thick. Veneers may be continuous or patchy. w beach, strandline Low ridges with a steeper slope on one side than on the other. y subdued hummocky A complex sequence of slopes extending from concavities of various sizes to knolls. Local topography is <10 m. Organic Surface Forms. The classification of landforms is often the case of "best fit." Often the landform encountered does not quite meet all criteria of any class. Organic landforms often are intergrades of one form to another. Code Class Description ----- ---------- ------------------------------------- Ba Palsa bog A bog composed of individual or coalesced palsas, occurring in an unfrozen peatland. Palsas are mounds of perennially frozen peat and mineral soil, up to 5 m high, with a maximum diameter of 100 m. The surface is highly uneven, often containing collapse scar bogs. Bc Collapse scar bog A circular or oval-shaped wet depression in a perennially frozen peatland; the collapse scar bog was once part of the perennially frozen peatland, but the permafrost thawed, causing the surface to subside; the depression is poor in nutrients, as it is not connected to the minerotrophic fens in which the palsa or peat plateau occurs. Bt Peat plateau bog A bog composed of perennially frozen peat, rising abruptly about 1 m from the surrounding unfrozen fen; the surface is relatively flat and even, and the bog commonly covers large areas; the peat was originally deposited in a nonpermafrost environment and is associated in many places with collapse bogs or fens. Bv Veneer bog A bog occurring on gently sloping terrain underlain by generally discontinuous permafrost; although drainage is predominantly below the surface, overland flow occurs in poorly defined drainage-ways during peak runoff; peat thickness is usually less than 1.5 m. Fb Basin fen A fen occupying a topographically defined basin; however, the basins do not receive drainage from upstream, and the fens are thus influenced mainly by local hydrological conditions; the depth of peat increases toward the center. Fc Collapse scar fen A fen with circular or oval depressions, up to 100 m occurring in larger fens, marking the subsidence of thawed permafrost peatlands. Dead trees, remnants of the subsided vegetation of permafrost peatlands, are often evident. Fh Horizontal fen A fen with a very gently sloping featureless surface; this fen occupies broad, often ill-defined depressions, and may be interconnected with other fens; peat accumulation is generally uniform. Fs Stream fen A fen located in the main channel or along the banks of permanent or semi- permanent streams. This fen is affected by the water of the stream at normal and flood stages. 8. PMDEPO1 = Mode of deposition or origin of first (upper) parent material. Code Class Description ---- ------------- --------------------------------------- AN Anthropogenic Materials modified by human activity so that their physical properties have been drastically altered; they include borrow pits, gravel pits and road beds. B Bog Bogs consist of unspecified organic materials associated with an ombrotrophic environment because the slightly elevated nature of the bog dissociates it from nutrient-rich groundwater or surrounding mineral soils; near the surface, materials are usually not or very little decomposed (fibric), yellowish to pale brown, and loose and spongy in consistency, with entire sphagnum plants readily identifiable; these materials are extremely acid, with low bulk density and high fiber content; at depths they become darker, compacted, and somewhat layered; bogs are associated with slopes or depressions on topography with a water table at or near the surface in the spring and slightly below it during the rest of the year; they are usually covered with sphagnum mosses, but sedges may also grow on them; bogs may be treed or treeless, and many are characterized by a layer of ericaceous shrubs. F Fluvial Sediment generally consisting of silt and clay with a minor fraction of sand and gravel; gravels are typically rounded; alluvial sediments are commonly moderately to well sorted and display stratification. FN Fen Fen consists of unspecified organic materials formed in a minerotrophic environment because of the close association of the material with mineral- rich waters; it is usually moderately well to well decomposed, dark brown to black, with fine- to medium-sized fibers; decomposition commonly becomes greater at lower depths; the materials are covered with a dominant component of sedges or brown mosses, but grasses, reeds, sphagnum mosses, shrubs, and trees may be associated. GF Glaciofluvial Material moved by glaciers and subsequently sorted and deposited by streams flowing from the melting ice; deposits are stratified and may occur in the form of outwash plains, deltas, kames, eskers, and kame terraces. GL Glaciolacustrine Sediment generally consisting of either stratified fine sand, silt, and clay deposited on the glacial lake bed or moderately well sorted and stratified sand and coarser materials that are beach and other near-shore sediments transported and deposited by wave action; these materials either have settled from suspension in bodies of standing freshwater or have accumulated at their margins through wave action. O Organic A layered sequence of more than three types of organic undifferentiated material (>30% organic matter by weight). R Residual Unconsolidated, weathered, or partly weathered soil mineral materials that accumulate by disintegration of bedrock in place. T Till (Morainal) Sediment generally consisting of well- compacted material that is nonstratified and contains a heterogeneous mixture of sand, silt, and clay particle sizes and coarse fragments in a mixture that has been transported beneath, beside, on, within, or in front of a glacier and not modified by any intermediate agent. RK Rock A consolidated bedrock layer that is too hard to break with the hands (>3 on Mohs' scale) or to dig with a spade when moist. 9. TXTURE1 = Texture of first (upper) parent material. Soil texture indicates the relative proportions of the various soil separates in a soil. Soil separates are mineral particles, <2.0 mm in equivalent diameter, ranging between specified size limits: Soil separate Diameter (mm) ---------------- ---------------- Very coarse sand 2.0-1.0 Coarse sand 1.0-0.50 Medium sand 0.50-0.25 Fine sand 0.25-0.10 Very fine sand 0.10-0.05 Silt 0.05-0.002 Clay <0.002 Coarse fragments are rock or mineral fragments >2.0 mm in diameter: Coarse fragment Diameter (cm) ---------------- ------------- Gravel 0.2-7.5 Cobble 7.5-25.0 Sands. Sand is a soil material that contains 85% or more sand; the percentage of silt plus 1.5 times the percentage of clay does not exceed 15. Code Class Description ----- ----------------- ------------------------------------- VCS Very Coarse Sand 25% or more very coarse sand, and less than 50% any other one grade of sand. CS Coarse Sand 25% or more very coarse and coarse sand, and less than 50% any other grade of sand. S Sand 25% or more very coarse, coarse, and medium coarse sand (but less than 25% very coarse and coarse sand), and less than 50% of either fine or very fine sand. FS Fine Sand 50% or more fine sand, or less than 25% very coarse, coarse, and medium sand and less than 50% very fine sand. VFS Very Fine Sand 50% or more very fine sand. Loamy Sands. Loamy sand is a soil material that contains at the upper limit 85- 90% sand, and the percentage of silt plus 1.5 times the percentage of clay is not less than 15; at the lower limit it contains not less than 70-85% sand, and the percentage of silt plus twice the percentage of clay does not exceed 30. Code Class Description ---- ----------------- ----------------------------------- LCS Loamy Coarse Sand 25% or more very coarse and coarse sand, and less than 50% any other one grade of sand. LS Loamy Sand 25% or more very coarse, coarse, and medium sand (but less than 25% very coarse and coarse sand), and less than 50% fine or very fine sand. LFS Loamy Fine Sand 50% or more fine sand, or less than 50% very fine sand and less than 25% very coarse, coarse, and medium sand. LVFS Loamy Very Fine 50% or more very fine sand. Sand Sandy Loams. Sandy loam is a soil material that contains either 20% clay or less, with the percentage of silt plus twice the percentage of clay exceeding 30, and 52% or more sand; or less then 7% clay, less than 50% silt, and 43-52% sand. Code Class Description ---- ----------------- ----------------------------------- CSL Coarse Sandy Loam 25% or more very coarse and coarse sand and less than 50% any other one grade of sand. SL Sandy Loam 30% or more very coarse, coarse, and medium sand (but less than 25% very coarse and coarse sand), and less than 30% of either very fine or fine sand. FSL Fine Sandy Loam 30% or more fine sand and less than 30% very fine sand; or between 15-30% very coarse, coarse, and medium sand; or more than 40% fine and very fine sand, at least half of which is fine sand, and less than 15% very coarse, coarse, and medium sand. VFSL Very Fine Sandy 30% or more very fine sand, or more Loam than 40% fine and very fine sand, at least half of which is very fine sand, and less than 15% very coarse, coarse, and medium sand. Textures finer than sandy loams: Code Class Description ---- ------- ------------------------------- L Loam 7-27% clay, 28-50% silt, and less than 52% sand. SIL Silt Loam 50% or more silt and 12-27% clay, or 50-80% silt and less than 12% clay. SI Silt 80% or more silt and less than 12% clay. SCL Sandy Clay Loam 20-35% clay, less than 28% silt, and 45% or more sand. CL Clay Loam 27-40% clay and 20-45% sand. SICL Silty Clay Loam 27-40% clay and less than 20% sand. SC Sandy Clay 35% or more clay and 45% or more sand. SIC Silty Clay 40% or more clay and 40% or more silt. C Clay 40% or more clay, less than 45% sand, and less than 40% silt. HC Heavy Clay More than 60% clay. O Organic Fiber content undifferentiated. F Fibric 40% or more rubbed fiber content by volume. M Mesic 10% or more and less than 40% fiber content by volume. H Humic <10% rubbed fiber content by volume. 10. TXTMOD1 = Texture modifier of first (upper) parent material. Code Class Description ---- ------------ ------------------------------- GR Gravelly 15-35% gravel by volume VG Very gravelly 35-60% gravel by volume EG Extremely gravelly >60% gravel by volume MU Mucky 9-17% organic carbon GY Gritty Sharp-edged particles present AY Ashy Quantities of volcanic or organic ash present WY Woody Quantities of woody fragments present (organic soils). 11. PMDEPO2 = Mode of deposition or origin of second (middle) parent material. 12. TXTURE2 = Texture of second (middle) parent material. 13. TXTMOD2 = Texture modifier of second (middle) parent material. 14. PMDEPO3 = Mode of deposition or origin of third (lower) parent material. 15. TXTURE3 = Texture of third (lower) parent material. 16. TXTMOD3 = Texture modifier of third (lower) parent material. 17. COFRAGS = Coarse fragment content in control section of mineral soils. Code Class Description ----- ------------ ----------------------------------- A <1% by volume Rounded, subrounded, flat, angular, or irregular rock fragment from 2 mm to 60 cm or more in size. B 1-15% C 16-35% D 36-60% E >60% # Not applicable 18. SLOPE = Slope gradient class. The slope is generally the average or common slope of the unit, but in the case of complex topography, the steepest slope class is listed. Code Class ---- -------- 1 1-2% 4 3-5% 8 6-9% 13 10-15% 25 16-30% 45 31-60% 19. DRAINGE = Drainage class. Code Class Description ---- ----------- ------------------------------------ VR Very rapid Water is removed from the soil very rapidly in relation to supply; excess water flows downward very rapidly if underlying material is pervious; subsurface flow may be very rapid during heavy rainfall provided the gradient is steep; source of water is precipitation. R Rapid Water is removed from the soil rapidly in relation to supply; excess water flows downward if underlying material is pervious; subsurface flow may occur on steep gradients during heavy rainfall; source of water is precipitation. W Well Water is removed from the soil readily but not rapidly; excess water flows downward readily into underlying pervious material or laterally as subsurface flow; these soils commonly retain optimum amounts of moisture for plant growth after rains or addition of irrigation water. MW Moderately well Water is removed from the soil somewhat slowly in relation to supply; excess water is removed somewhat slowly because of low perviousness, shallow water table, lack of gradient, or some combination of these; precipitation is the dominant source of water in medium-to-fine textured soils; precipitation and significant additions by subsurface flow are necessary in coarse textured soils. I Imperfect Water is removed from the soil sufficiently slowly in relation to supply to keep the soil wet for a significant part of the growing season; excess water moves slowly downward if precipitation is the major supply; if subsurface water or groundwater, or both, is the main source, the flow rate may vary, but the soil remains wet for a significant part of the growing season. P Poor Water is removed so slowly in relation to supply that the soil remains wet for a comparatively large part of the time the soil is not frozen; excess water is evident in the soil for much of the time; subsurface flow or groundwater flow, or both, in addition to precipitation, are the main sources of water; there may also be a perched water table. VP Very poor Water is removed from the soil so slowly that the water table remains at or near the surface for most of the time the soil is not frozen; groundwater flow and subsurface flow are the major sources of water; precipitation is less important except where there is a perched water table. # Not applicable 20. DEPTHWT = Average depth to water table. Code Class Description ---- ---------- -------------------------------- 10 0-20 cm Most shallow water table during growing season. 50 20-75 cm 125 75-150 cm 200 >150 cm * 0-100 cm With perennially frozen subsoil. # Not applicable (Water, ice, rock.) 21. PFDISTR = Permafrost distribution or occurrence. Code Class Description ---- ----------- ---------------------------- V Very sporadic Sparse patches of permafrost are associated with the component. S Sporadic Isolated patches or islands of permafrost occur within the component. D Discontinuous Widespread permafrost occurs within the component. C Continuous Permafrost underlies all or almost all of the component. # Not applicable 22. DPTHACT = Depth of active layer (average). Code Class Description ---- -------- ------------------------------------ 50 35-75 cm Top layer of ground subject to annual thawing and freezing in areas underlain by permafrost 100 >75 cm. # Not applicable 23. ICECTNT = Ice content of permanently frozen layer. Code Class Description ---- -------- ------------------------------------ L Low Ice content (volume) less than available pore space in nonfrozen soil. M Medium No excess ice; ice content (volume) equal to pore space of nonfrozen soil. H High Excess ice: ice content greater than pore space in nonfrozen soil; ice usually in the form of lenses, vein ice, or massive ground ice. 24. DPTHLFH = Thickness of humus layer (L,F,H) The thickness of the humus layer is estimated, based on observations in the field. However, the frequency of forest fires in the area may reduce deep LFH layers to zero from one year to the next. Code Class ---- --------- 0 <5 cm 1 5-10 cm 2 11-20 cm 3 21-40 cm 4 >40 cm # Not applicable (e.g., borrow pit, organic deposits) 25. DPTHORG = Average thickness of peat deposit. Peat consist of organic material that accumulated under very wet or saturated conditions. Code Class Description ---- ------------- ----------------------------------- 0 <0.2 m Peat development has just started (paludification), or depth of peat layer has been reduced by fire. 1 0.2-0.6 m Peat depth generally less than 40 cm if peat depth is rather uniform; or peat depth is on average about 40 cm but varies strongly over short distances because of sphagnum hummock formation. 2 0.6-1.6 m Shallow peat (fens and bogs). 3 1.6-3.0 m Deep peat. 4 >3.0 m Very deep peat. 26. SOILDEV = Soil development (soil classification). The dominant soil development associated with the polygon component. Other kinds of soil development are usually present, but only as inclusions. Code Class ----------- ---------------------------------- Brunisolic EDYB Eluviated Dystric Brunisol GLEDYB Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisol EEB Eluviated Eutric Brunisol GLEEB Gleyed Eluviated Eutric Brunisol Gleysolic OHG Orthic Humic Gleysol RHG Rego Humic Gleysol OG Orthic Gleysol FEG Ferric Gleysol OLG Orthic Luvic Gleysol HULG Humic Luvic Gleysol Luvisolic OGL Orthic Gray Luvisol DGL Dark Gray Luvisol GLGL Gleyed Gray Luvisol GLDGL Gleyed Dark Gray Luvisol Organic TYF Typic Fibrisol MEF Mesic Fibrisol TF Terric Fibrisol TMEF Terric Mesic Fibrisol HYF Hydric Fibrisol TYM Typic Mesisol FIM Fibric Mesisol TM Terric Mesisol TFIM Terric Fibric Mesisol THUM Terric Mesic Humisol TH Terric Humisol TFIH Terric Fibric Humisol TMEH Terric Mesic Humisol Cryosolic OSC Orthic Static Cryosol RSC Regosolic Static Cryosol OTC Orthic Turbic Cryosol RTC Regosolic Turbic Cryosol FIOC Fibric Organic Cryosol MEOC Mesic Organic Cryosol HUOC Humic Organic Cryosol TFIOC Terric Fibric Organic Cryosol TMEOC Terric Mesic Organic Cryosol THUOC Terric Humic Organic Cryosol 27. VARIANT = Classification variant or phase. Code Class Description ---- --------- ------------------------------- c Cryic This designation has been used to identify Luvisolic soils with permafrost within the control section. These soils are at present not recognized in the Canadian System of Soil Classification. l Lithic A soil that has a lithic contact within the control section. p Peaty A soil that has a peaty layer 15-40 cm thick. 28. SOILTP1 = Dominant soil type associated with polygon component. The dominant soil type listed represents the soils that occupy >50% of the component. The soil type may be a soil series, which is a soil type defined within narrow limits, or a group of soils that vary to some extent in texture, depth of profile, etc. The soil type used to identify organic landscape components is the soil that best represents the group or complex of soils associated with that particular landscape component. The organic soil type usually represents related, but sometimes quite different, soils. These variations may include peat depth, presence or absence of certain peat layers, variation in peat decomposition, etc. 29. SOILPH1 = Soil phase or variant associated with dominant soil type. The soil phase or variant is used to identify more specifically the dominant soil type. These soils vary to some degree from the model because of differences in parent material (stratification, texture), depth of the LFH layer, peaty surface, coarse fragment content, etc. Code Class Description ---- ----------- ---------------------------------------- d Deep A soil that is relatively deep. h Humus A soil with a relatively deep duff layer. s Shallow A soil that is relatively shallow. v Very deep A soil that is very deep. w Very shallow A soil that is very shallow. x Complex A soil that varies in a number of properties from the model (series concept). 1,2,3 Variant number A soil that varies in one or more specific properties from the series concept. 30. SOILTP2 = Subdominant soil type associated with polygon component. The subdominant soil type listed represents the soils that occupy <50% of the component. The soil type may be a soil series, which is a soil type defined within narrow limits, or a group of soils that vary to some extent in texture, depth of profile, etc. The soil type used to identify organic landscape components is the soil that best represents the group or complex of soils associated with that particular landscape component. The organic soil type usually represents related, but sometimes quite differen,t soils. These variations may include peat depth, presence or absence of certain peat layers, variation in peat decomposition etc. 31. SOILPH2 = Soil phase or variant associated with subdominant soil type. The soil phase or variant is used to identify more specifically the subdominant soil type component. (See no. 29 for codes). 7.3.3 Unit of Measurement See Section 7.3.2. 7.3.5 Data Range Image files: Each pixel in the image files contains the polygon number value. This value is matched to the polygon number listed in the corresponding ASCII soils table file. The values for that polygon number apply to that polygon. 7.4 Sample Data Record Sample data records from the binary images are not appropriate here. The following three sample records illustrate how the data are formatted in the ASCII soils table files. Because the records are so long, they are presented here in two groups. ________________________________________________________________________ P G C R P K L P T T P T T P T T C S D D P D O R O A E I A M X X M X X M X X O L R E F P L I M N R N N D T D T T D T T F O A P D T Y D P K C D D E U M E U M E U M R P I T I H N L O N E M F P R O P R O O R O A E N H S A U O N U N A R O E D O E D O E D G G W T C M C T M T T M 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 S E T R T ________________________________________________________________________ 001 F1 D 1 65 R2 h RK # # # # # # # # # C # # # # 001 F1 D 2 20 SO vh GL HC - RK - - - - - A B MW - - - 001 F1 I 1 15 SO bh GL HC - - - - - - - A B I 125 - - ____________________________ I D D S V S S S S C P P O A O O O O E T T I R I I I I C H H L I L L L L T L O D A T P T P N F R E N P H P H T H G V T 1 1 2 2 ____________________________ # # # # $AR - 1 # OGL l WRL - 1 # GLGL ROK LPR p 8. Data Organization 8.1 Data Granularity. The smallest unit of data for this data set is the data set itself. The image files contain either binary 8-bit (1-byte) values or binary 16-bit (2-byte) values with the low-order byte first. The ASCII soils table files contain text records with the values on the records in a fixed format. 8.2 Data Format(s) 8.2.1 Uncompressed Data Files The binary raster file that covers the NSA-MSA is distributed as 16-bit integers with the low order byte first. The binary raster files of the tower sites are distributed as 8 bit integers. The soils table files that indicate the soil parameters for the polygons in each map are distributed as ASCII text files. The overall content of this product is: File 1 ASCII header file describing the product File 2 NSA-MSA Binary Soil Map File 3 NSA-OBS Tower Area Binary Soil Map File 4 NSA-Fen Tower Area Binary Soil Map File 5 NSA-OJP Tower Area Binary Soil Map File 6 NSA-OA TE Tower Area Binary Soil Map File 7 NSA-YJP Tower Area Binary Soil Map File 8 NSA-MSA Soil Polygon Data Table (ASCII) File 9 NSA-OBS Soil Polygon Data Table (ASCII) File 10 NSA-Fen Soils Polygon Data Table (ASCII) File 11 NSA-OJP Soil Polygon Data Table (ASCII) File 12 NSA-OA Soil Polygon Data Table (ASCII) File 13 NSA-YJP Soil Polygon Data Table (ASCII) The files have the following characteristics: Record Size File # (Bytes) Bytes/Pixel # Records ------ ----------- ----------- --------- File 1 80 N/A 36 File 2 2572 2 989 File 3 130 1 130 File 4 130 1 130 File 5 130 1 130 File 6 130 1 130 File 7 130 1 130 File 8 100 N/A 936 File 9 100 N/A 117 File 10 100 N/A 117 File 11 100 N/A 39 File 12 100 N/A 39 File 13 100 N/A 78 8.2.2 Compressed CD-ROM Files On the BOREAS CD-ROMs, files 1 and 8 - 13 listed above are stored as ASCII text files; however, files 2 - 7 have been compressed with the Gzip compression program (file name *.gz). These data have been compressed using gzip version 1.2.4 and the high compression (-9) option (Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Jean-loup Gailly). Gzip (GNU zip) uses the Lempel-Ziv algorithm (Welch, 1994) used in the zip and PKZIP programs. The compressed files may be uncompressed using gzip (-d option) or gunzip. Gzip is available from many websites (for example, ftp site*.*) for a variety of operating systems in both executable and source code form. Versions of the decompression software for various systems are included on the CD-ROMs. 9. Data Manipulations 9.1 Formulae 9.1.1 Derivation Techniques and Algorithms The reader is referred to the detailed report submitted by Dr. Veldhuis for details on the derivation of the original maps. 9.2 Data Processing Sequence The data were received from Dr. Veldhuis as DLG files. These files were read into ARC/INFO and gridded to 30 meter (NSA-MSA) and 10-meter (tower sites) cell sizes. These gridded data sets were then written out as binary raster files. 9.2.1 Processing Steps BOREAL Inforamtion System (BORIS) Staff processed these data by: 1) Reading in DLG files to ARC/INFO. 2) Gridding ARC/INFO coverages into ARC/INFO GRID format. 3) Writing out gridded data from ARC/INFO GRID to flat raster files. 4) Writing out raster files to tape. 5) Copy the ASCII and compress the binary files for release on CD-ROM. 9.2.2 Processing Changes None. 9.3 Calculations 9.3.1 Special Corrections/Adjustments: The maps that covered the tower sites had the towers indicated on them and were centered on the tower location. Because we have precise Global Positioning System (GPS) locations of the towers, the gridded maps of the towers were shifted so that the tower location from the map matched the GPS location. This should improve the locational accuracy of the tower soils maps. 9.3.2 Calculated Variables None. 9.4 Graphs and Plots None. 10. Errors 10.1 Sources of Error Errors could result from the change in format from vector to raster. However, the raster images were thoroughly checked and compared to the original vector data to avoid such problems. The vector data came from an original mapping using data collected directly from the field along with aerial photos. Errors could arise from a typographical error in the field notes. 10.2 Quality Assessment 10.2.1 Data Validation by Source Any data validation or accuracy assessment would have to have been made by the original source. Please refer to the report mentioned in Section 5. 10.2.2 Confidence Level/Accuracy Judgment The accuracy of these data is considered very good, especially because GPS coordinates were used to locate the soils mapping at the tower locations. 10.2.3 Measurement Error for Parameters Unknown. 10.2.4 Additional Quality Assessments None. 10.2.5 Data Verification by Data Center BORIS personnel viewed and compared the images with the original vector data to identify any possible discrepancies. 11. Notes 11.1 Limitations of the Data The report by Dr. Veldhuis may indicate some limitations of the soil mapping. 11.2 Known Problems with the Data None. 11.3 Usage Guidance Before uncompressing the Gzip files on CD-ROM, be sure that you have enough disk space to hold the uncompressed data files. Then use the appropriate decompression program provided on the CD-ROM for your specific system. 11.4 Other Relevant Information For more information on this data set, please consult the soils report by Dr. Veldhuis. 12. Application of the Data Set This data set was created for BOREAS investigators who need soils data in the vicinity of the flux towers and the MSA. 13. Future Modifications and Plans None. 14. Software 14.1 Software Description ARC/INFO GIS software was used to grid these data from their original vector form. This software is a product of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). Gzip (GNU zip) uses the Lempel-Ziv algorithm (Welch, 1994) used in the zip and PKZIP commands. 14.2 Software Access ARC/INFO is proprietary software with copyright protection. Contact ERSI for details. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 380 New York Street Redland, CA 92373-8100 Gzip is available from many websites across the net (for example) ftp site*.*) for a variety of operating systems in both executable and source code form. Versions of the decompression software for various systems are included on the CD-ROMs. 15. Data Access 15.1 Contact Information Ms. Beth Nelson BOREAS Data Manager NASA/GSFC Greenbelt, MD (301) 286-4005 (301) 286-0239 (fax) 15.2 Data Center Identification See Section 15.1. 15.3 Procedures for Obtaining Data Users may place requests by telephone, electronic mail, or Fax. 15.4 Data Center Status/Plans The TE-20 raster NAS soils data are available from the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The BOREAS contact at ORNL is: ORNL DAAC User Services Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN (423) 241-3952 16. Output Products and Availability 16.1 Tape Products The BOREAS Level 3 soils data of the NSA can be available on 1600 or 6250 Bytes Per Inch (BPI) 9-track, 8-mm, or Digital Archive Tape (DAT). 16.2 Film Products None. 16.3 Other Products These data are available on the BOREAS CD-ROM series. 17. References See the report by Dr. Veldhuis for reference information. 17.1 Platform/Sensor/Instrument/Data Processing Documentation ARC/INFO User's Guide (Version 7), 1994. Redlands, CA. Welch, T.A. 1984, A Technique for High Performance Data Compression, IEEE Computer, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 8 - 19. 17.2 Journal Articles and Study Reports Sellers, P.and F. Hall. 1994. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1994-3.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 94). Sellers, P. and F. Hall. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1996-2.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 96). Sellers, P.and F. Hall, K.F. Huemmrich. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1994 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 94). Sellers, P.and F. Hall, K.F. Huemmrich. 1997. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1996 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 96). Sellers, P., F. Hall, H. Margolis, B. Kelly, D. Baldocchi, G. den Hartog, J. Cihlar, M.G. Ryan, B. Goodison, P. Crill, K.J. Ranson, D. Lettenmaier, and D.E. Wickland. 1995. The boreal ecosystem-atmosphere study (BOREAS): an overview and early results from the 1994 field year. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 76(9):1549-1577. Sellers, P.and F. Hall. 1997. BOREAS Overview Paper. JGR Special Issue (in press). 17.3 Archive/DBMS Usage Documentation None. 18. Glossary of Terms None. 19. List of Acronyms AEAC - Albers Equal-Area Conic ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange BOREAS - BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study BORIS - BOREAS Information System BPI - Bytes Per Inch CD-ROM - Compact Disk-Read-Only-Memory DAAC - Distributed Active Archive Center DAT - Digital Archive Tape DLG - Digital Line Graph EOS - Earth Observing System EOSDIS - EOS Data and Information System GIS - Geographic Information System GMT - Greenwich Mean Time GPS - Global Positioning System GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center MSA - Modeling Sub-Area NAD27 - North American Datum 1927 NAD83 - North American Datum 1983 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NSA - Northern Study Area OA - Old Aspen OBS - Old Black Spruce OJP - Old Jack Pine ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory PANP - Prince Albert National Park SSA - Southern Study Area TE - Terrestrial Ecology URL - Uniform Resource Locator WWW - World Wide Web YJP - Young Jack Pine 20. Document Information 20.1 Document Revision Date Written: 31-Mar-1997 Last Updated: 30-Jul-1998 20.2 Document Review Dates BORIS Review: 02-Mar-1997 Science Review: 20.3 Document ID 20.4 Citation The raster version of these data was created by BORIS staff from the vector version supplied by Dr. Veldhuis. The efforts of Dr. Veldhuis and BORIS staff in creating these data are greatly appreciated. 20.5 Document Curator 20.6 Document URL Keywords ---------- Soils Soil Chemistry Soil Type TE20_NSA_Soils_Raster 08/18/98