1. tried to read the generate files file_00001..00024 into arc/info via the generate command: generate file_000n input file_000n line 2. Kept getting errors; with line number in file; discovered that what should have been END was actually ND; and ND occured randomly in the files. To fix this problem with the generate files: 3. awked file_00001..00024 to change from variable record length to standard record length. (e.g. awk '{printf("%-63s\n",$0)}' ../file_00001 > file_00001a) 4. Read each fine into sas; corrected the problems then wrote out a corrected version of file_00001..file_00024. 5. In arc/info read in each of the files file_00001..00024 into coverages (file_01 .. file_024) with the arc/info generate command: (generate file_n input file_000n lines) 6. Build line topology for each coverage file_00001..00024 7. Ran project define using the parameters specified in the MS Word 6.0 doc file. (e.g. projectdefine cover file_00001 projection utm, zone 13 or 14 as appropriate, units meters). 8. exported each file file_01 .. file_24 Note I named the coverages file_01 .. file_24 because of the way arc/info structures coverages. A coverage is a subdirectory containing several files. If I had not changed the names I would have overwritten the data files. word 6.0Read in the corrected file_00001..file_00024 one at a time line of each file as a character string; did a frequency distribution of END and ND on eac