Data Set "MOD-01_MET_P3_DAILY" ------------------------------ Revised: March 14, 2001 BOREAS Follow-on MOD-1 Phase 3 Daily Averaged Gridded Meteorology 1994-1996 The Phase 3 gridded data sets provided by HMet-01 on an hourly time step have been converted to averaged daily files by the MOD-01 group to reduce the size and number of files used for input to some of the carbon models. Note that the daily data files contain floating point values rather than 16-bit integers. Below is a table that describes how the hourly Phase 3 meteorological variables were summarized to daily values. Note that some of the data files have been compressed using Zip compression. Variable Variable Name Units Method of Abbreviation Summary ------------ ----------------- -------------- --------------- Ta Air Temperature degrees C min/max/average Td Dew Point degrees C average Temperature Ud Wind Direction degrees from average true North U Wind Speed meters/sec average Pres Air Pressure kPa average Rsi Incoming Watts/meter^2 average of Shortwave values > 0 Radiation Lwi Incoming Longwave Watts/meter^2 average of Radiation values > 0 Precip Precipitation mm/day total Acknowledge: Vanessa Brooks Genovese, Valentijn Pauwels File Inventory Information -------------------------- Each file name has the following structure: yy-mm-dd_hh_sss_V2.bin where yy is the two-digit year, mm is the 2-digit month, dd is the 2-digit day, hh is the hour of day (in GMT), sss is the site (nsa or ssa), and V2 is the variable (such as "pres", with a 2 or 3 following it for Phase 2 or Phase 3 data). Each of the eight variables has the same directory structure. Each variable has three yearly subdirectories (94, 95, and 96). Each yearly subdirectory contains 365 or 366 daily data files. The data are stored as 4-byte binary float images, one image per hour per variable (the data may need to be byte swapped to display correctly). The regional grid is 66 columns by 60 rows. The NSA grid is 17 columns by 16 rows and the SSA grid is 20 columns by 18 rows.