BOREAS Follow-on DSP-10 Regridded Moss Cover Maps, 2 kilometers --------------------------------------------------------------- Revised: March 2001 These images were produced by aggregating the 1-km moss maps to a 2-km pixel size. The original 1-km moss map was derived from the 1-km land cover classification that was done by Lou Steyaert. See document "dsp09_moss_cover_doc.html" for more information on the original data product that this is based on. If there are any questions about how this aggregation was done, please contact Dave Knapp ( Image Specifications -------------------- The following files contain the percentage of each class within each 2-km pixel. Th pixel values will be either 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100, since exactly four 1-km pixels are nested within a 2-km pixel. moss00_2km.img moss01_2km.img moss02_2km.img moss03_2km.img moss04_2km.img moss05_2km.img moss06_2km.img Each image is 431 pixels by 336 lines and contains no leading header bytes. Each pixel in the image is represented by one-byte. The class numbers correspond to the class numbers used by Gloria Rappalee in her classification. Class 0 Outside of data area of image (edge pixels) Class 1 Feather Moss Class 2 Feather Moss/Sphagnum Class 3 Sphagnum Class 4 Feather/Brown/Spagnum Moss Mix Class 5 No Moss Class 6 Water Spatial Coverage ---------------- These data cover the same area as the land cover classification from Lou Steyaert. Corner X Y Longitude Latitude -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upper Left 174.0707 785.4531 108¡03'09.30" W 58¡01'07.68" N Upper Right 1036.0707 785.4531 93¡48'17.52" W 56¡53'52.87" N Lower Left 174.0707 113.4531 108¡27'59.25" W 51¡59'32.04" N Lower Right 1036.0707 113.4531 96¡08'36.17" W 51¡01'20.43" N The X and Y coordinates are the BOREAS grid coordinates which are based on an Albers Equal Area Conic (AEAC) projection with the following parameters: Origin: 111.00 deg W, 51.00 deg N Standard Parallels: 52.5 deg N 58.5 deg N Units of Measure: kilometers