Data Set "DSP01_TM_LANDCOVER" ----------------------------- Revised: December 8, 2000 BOREAS Follow-on DSP-1 TM Land Cover Mosaic of the BOREAS Transect The objective of this land cover mosaic is to provide a data product that characterises the detailed land cover of a significant portion of the BOREAS Region. Seven Landsat-5 TM images have been assembled that completely cover the BOREAS Transect. Entire TM scenes were used to create this land cover map. A detailed classification scheme was employed; permitting the extraction of virtually all land cover information that can be discerned from digitally enhanced TM images. The data are provided in binary image format files, compressed into Zip archive files. Acknowledge: Jean Beaubien, Rasim Latifovic, Josef Cihlar, Guy Simard File Inventory Information -------------------------- The classification product contains two image files, each are unsigned 8 bit binary files, with a size of 23341 pixels by 14139 lines. The files in this directory are: Preliminary 87 classes. Classified image with values from 1 to 150 with zero values (0) used as fillers for non-image (no data) areas of the image. Contains a unique identifier for each final class. 330 megs expanded. Final 29 classes. Classified image with values from 1 to 150 with zero values (0) used as fillers for non-image (no data) areas of the image: contains a unique identifier for each spectral cluster; one or more clusters were merged to form the final classes. 330 megs expanded.