BOREAS AFM-07 SRC Surface Meteorological and Radiation Data Summary The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) collected surface meteorological and radiation data from December 1993 until December 1996. The data set comprises Suite A (meteorological and energy balance measurements) and Suite B (diffuse solar and longwave measurements) components. Suite A measurements were taken at each of 10 sites, and Suite B measurements were made at 5 of the Suite A sites. The data cover an approximate area of 500 km (North-South) by 1,000 km (East- West) (a large portion of northern Manitoba and northern Saskatchewan). The measurement network was designed to provide researchers with a sufficient record of near-surface meteorological and radiation measurements. The data are provided in tabular ASCII files. Table of Contents 1) Data Set Overview 2) Investigator(s) 3) Theory of Measurements 4) Equipment 5) Data Acquisition Methods 6) Observations 7) Data Description 8) Data Organization 9) Data Manipulations 10) Errors 11) Notes 12) Application of the Data Set 13) Future Modifications and Plans 14) Software 15) Data Access 16) Output Products and Availability 17) References 18) Glossary of Terms 19) List of Acronyms 20) Document Information 1. Data Set Overview 1.1 Data Set Identification BOREAS AFM-07 SRC Surface Meteorological and Radiation Data 1.2 Data Set Introduction BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) personnel at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) established a contract with the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) to implement and maintain a network of automatic meteorological stations (AMS) to measure surface meteorological and radiation parameters during BOREAS activities in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada. SRC personnel installed and monitored the equipment, collected and quality checked the data, and delivered the data to the BOREAS Information System (BORIS) on a regular basis from 1994 through early 1997. The SRC AMS network comprises 10 Suite A and 5 Suite B sites. 1.3 Objective/Purpose The SRC AMS data were collected to: a) Measure the microclimatic variability across the BOREAS sites. b) Provide input data for numerical simulation models. c) Collect broad-band reflected and emitted radiation to help with evaluating and calibrating satellite and aircraft imagery. 1.4 Summary of Parameters The parameters measured at Suite A sites included date and time, within- and above-canopy temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, snow depth, soil temperature profiles, shortwave radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and net radiation. The parameters measured at Suite B sites included date and time, and shortwave and longwave radiation. 1.5 Discussion The SRC AMS stations cover an area of roughly 500 km (North-South) by 1,000 km (East-West) (a large portion of northern Manitoba and northern Saskatchewan). The 10 Suite A stations were installed within the BOREAS study region (see Figure 1) prior to the first Intensive Field Campaign (IFC) that occurred in May 1994. All Suite A stations were equipped to measure basic meteorological and radiation parameters. The Suite A radiation sensors measured shortwave and net radiation, PAR, and longwave radiation. The measurement height for all the above-canopy measurements was approximately two to six meters above the canopy top. The below-canopy measurements were made at approximately 2 meters from the forest floor. The infrared radiation sensor is pointed at an angle of 45 degrees to measure canopy top temperature of the forest at each individual site. The infrared sensor is located at all the sites except Saskatoon and Meadow Lake. Precipitation at each site is measured with a Belfort weighing precipitation gauge that is mounted with an alter shield. Rainfall intensity is measured with a tipping bucket rain gauge at each site. Five of the Suite A sites were augmented with additional radiation sensors to form a Suite B classification. Suite B sensors consist of a diffuse shortwave radiation sensor and a pyrgeometer. Figure 2 illustrates a typical boreal forest instrumentation array. 1.6 Related Data Sets BOREAS AES Campbell Scientific Surface Meteorological Data BOREAS AES MARSII Surface Meteorological Data BOREAS AES READAC Surface Meteorological Data 2. Investigator(s) 2.1 Investigator(s) Name and Title Dr. Stanley R. Shewchuk Lead Scientist Saskatchewan Research Council 2.2 Title of Investigation Atmospheric Sciences Infrastructure Core Measurements for BOREAS (AFM-07) 2.3 Contact Information Contact 1 Heather Osborne/Kim Young Saskatchewan Research Council Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada (306) 933-6759 Contact 2 Virginia Wittrock Research Scientist Saskatchewan Research Council Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada (306) 933-8122 wittrock@ Contact 3 Jeffrey A. Newcomer Raytheon ITSS NASA GSFC Greenbelt, MD (301) 286-7858 (301) 286-0239 (fax) 3. Theory of Measurements The theory behind the meteorological measurements is to understand the general climate of the Canadian boreal region. The main purpose of each AMS station is to gather enough precipitation, temperature, and other meteorological information to fully understand the climate of the boreal forest. Data from all of the instruments were stored on a data logger, which performed some of the initial data processing. 4. Equipment 4.1 Sensor/Instrument Description This section is a comprehensive description of each AMS site. The parameters included are: site name, location and elevation, and a list of each instrument at the site. There is a detailed description of each instrument in the first site that contains the instrument. Within each detailed instrument description there is an explanation of what the instrument is used for; heights of each instrument; its supplier and/or manufacturer; and serial number. Additionally, the description of radiation sensors will contain the wavelengths they are able to measure. At subsequent sites containing the same instrument a shorter description is given, containing only the serial number and location details specific to that site. The sites were inspected by human observers. Suite B sites were visited every 3 days. Suite A sites were visited every 7 to 10 days in the summer and every 3 to 5 days in the winter to check for frost build up on the instruments. 4.1.1 Collection Environment The collection environment for the SRC AMS stations varied greatly from season to season and site to site. All instruments, except where otherwise noted, were exposed to the elements at all times. The sites were all located in relatively undisturbed locations and the instruments were checked regularly. During winter, the instruments were exposed to frequent snow storms and temperatures that reached -40 °C. During the summer months, temperatures at the sites reached 30 °C. No covers were built to protect the instrumentation from precipitation, wind, animal damage, or vandalism. 4.1.2 Source/Platform Suite A sites use a triangular cross-section Rohn tower as a platform for mounting the majority of the Suite A instruments. Each side of the tower is roughly 0.5 meters across and is internally supported by solid steel "zigzag" cross braces. The tower is designed with a hinge roughly halfway along its length that allows the tower to be folded down so that instruments may be attached and serviced without climbing gear. When the installation is complete, the tower can be extended to its full height. The only sites that do not use a Rohn tower are Meadow Lake and Saskatoon, where no forest exists and a tall tower is not required. Components mounted on the tower include the data logger, pressure sensor, solar panel, albedometer, net radiometer, air temperature and relative humidity sensors, PAR sensor, and wind speed and direction sensor. A lightning rod is also attached to the top of each tower. The precipitation gauges at each site are mounted on a separate wooden platform located a short distance from the Rohn tower. The distance varies by site. The platform is 3 meters high, 0.9 meters wide, and 2.4 meters long. These platforms are located at all AMS sites except Meadow Lake and Saskatoon. The Suite B sites are usually located a fair distance away from the Rohn tower that holds the Suite A instrumentation (Meadow Lake and Saskatoon being the exceptions). The Suite B sites recorded information on a separate data logger (usually a CR10). 4.1.3 Source/Platform Mission Objectives The objective of the Rohn tower is to provide a stable place to hang instrumentation for the duration of the experiment. Additionally, the tower provides a method of placing instruments at various levels within the canopy. 4.1.4 Key Variables Suite A Instrument Type Measured Parameters ------------------ ----------------------- PAR radiometer PAR radiation Net radiometer Net radiation Albedometer Incoming solar radiation Reflected solar radiation Temperature and relative humidity probe Upper canopy air temperature Relative humidity Temperature probe Lower canopy air temperature Soil temperature probe Soil temperature Barometric pressure Air pressure IR temperature Surface IR temperature Wind monitor Wind direction Wind speed Belfort rainfall transmitter Precipitation Ultrasonic depth gauge Snow depth Soil moisture sensor Soil moisture Tipping bucket rain gauge Precipitation Suite B Instrument Type Measured Parameters ------------------ ----------------------- Pyrgeometer Incoming longwave radiation Outgoing longwave radiation Pyranometer with shadow band Diffuse solar radiation 4.1.5 Principles of Operation Suite A --------- Data Logger: This instrument is used to store and partially manipulate the data. Multiplexer: The Multiplexer is used to increase the number of sensors that may be scanned by Campbell Scientific (CS) data loggers. Spark Gapped Junction Box: The Junction Box is designed to minimize damage to instruments connected to wires on which a high voltage could be induced through electrostatic discharge due to lightening. There are two per tower. Modem: The DC112 Modem is a 300/1200 baud modem employing the "AT" command set. It is used as a remote site modem connected to a CS data logger. Solar Panels: The Model MSX-30 Solarex Solar Panel photovoltaic module is designed to operate DC loads with small to moderate energy requirements. PAR Radiometer: The Skye Single Channel PAR Sensor is used to measure PAR Radiation. These sensors have cosine-corrected heads, each containing a semiconductor diode and filter system responding to light. Net Radiometer: The Fritschen Q-6 Net Radiometer is a high output instrument that is designed to measure net radiation. Net radiation is defined as the sum of all incoming radiation minus the outgoing radiation. Incoming radiation consists of direct and diffuse shortwave radiation and longwave sky radiation. Outgoing radiation consists of reflected and terrestrial longwave radiation. Albedometer (Solar and Reflected): None given. Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe (Above-Canopy): None given. Temperature Probe (Lower Canopy): None given. Soil Temperature Probe: None given. Barometric Pressure sensor: None given. IR Thermometer: The Everest Interscience Model 4000AL Infrared Thermometer measures the IR radiation emitted by objects and outputs the temperature, or a signal that is related to the temperature, of the object. The major advantage of this IR sensor is that no physical contact is made with the object being measured. Wind Direction/Wind Speed Sensor: None given. Belfort Precipitation Gauge: None given. Snow Depth Sensor: None given. Soil Moisture Sensor: The Matrix Water Potential Soil Moisture Sensor measures soil moisture by measuring the heat differential between a warmed temperature probe and an unwarmed probe. The theory is that when a probe is heated the temperature rise will be a function of the water content of the medium (the soil). By inserting a heater and a temperature sensor in a fixed porous block in contact with soil, the temperature rise of the heater can be correlated to the water potential of the soil. Tipping Bucket Precipitation Gauge: None given Suite B --------- Data Logger: This instrument is used to store and partially manipulate the data. Pyrgeometer: This instrument measures the exchange of radiation between a horizontal blackened surface and the target viewed. For the measurement of longwave radiation in general, and for the isolation of this from the solar shortwave radiation in daytime, a 30-mm-diameter hemisphere of silicon is used. This instrument is measuring downward longwave radiation from the atmosphere only. Pyranometer: None given. Shadow Band Stand: The shadow band attaches to the Suite B pyranometer that measures incoming solar radiation. The shadow band is intended to block out the direct rays of the sun and force the pyranometer to measure only the diffuse component of solar radiation. The band is wide enough to block the sun's direct rays for a few weeks at a time. A local observer adjusted the shadow band monthly. 4.1.6 Sensor/Instrument Measurement Geometry Figures 3-15 illustrate the location of each instrument in relation to the other instruments at the data collection sites. Unless otherwise noted, all instrument are on the Suite A tower present at each site. The Meadow Lake and Saskatoon sites are the only sites that do not have towers. At those sites, no relative location information is available. A negative height indicates that the instrument is located below ground surface. La Ronge: Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 16.15 m Net radiometer 16.15 m Albedometer 16.15 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 16.15 m Lower canopy temperature probe 1.83 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, 1.5 m north of tower Soil temperature probe -20 cm, 1.5 m north of tower Soil temperature probe -50 cm, 1.5 m north of tower Barometric pressure 16.15 m IR temperature 16.15 m Wind monitor 16.15 m Belfort precipitation gauge 15.0 m north-northwest of tower Snow depth gauge 1730 cm, 5 m northwest of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, location not available Tipping bucket precipitation 15.0 m north-northwest of tower Meadow Lake: Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 2.1 m Net radiometer 2.0 m Albedometer 1.9 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 2.59 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm Soil temperature probe -20 cm Soil temperature probe -50 cm Barometric pressure 2.03 m Wind monitor 9.75 m Belfort precipitation gauge Not available Snow depth gauge 1570 cm Soil moisture sensor -10 cm Tipping bucket precipitation Not available Southern Study Area (SSA)-Old Aspen (OA) (all Suite B instruments are located on the main flux tower): Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 23.71 m Net radiometer 23.71 m Albedometer 23.71 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 23.71 m Lower canopy temperature probe 4 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, 1.5 m northwest of tower Soil temperature probe -20 cm, 1.5 m northwest of tower Soil temperature probe -50 cm, 1.5 m northwest of tower Barometric pressure 21.87 m IR temperature 23.71 m Wind monitor 23.71 m Belfort precipitation gauge 35.0 m north-northwest of tower Snow depth gauge 1500 cm, 35 m southeast of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, 1.5 m northwest of tower Tipping bucket precipitation 35.0 m southeast of tower Suite B Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- Pyrgeometer 36.83 m Pyranometer 36.68 m Shadow Band Stand 36.68 m SSA-Old Jack Pine (OJP) (all Suite B instruments are located on the main flux tower): Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 20.7 m Net radiometer 20.7 m Albedometer 20.7 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 20.7 m Lower canopy temperature probe 5.5 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, northwest of tower Soil temperature probe -20 cm, northwest of tower Soil temperature probe -50 cm, northwest of tower Barometric pressure Not available, Not available IR temperature 20.7 m Wind monitor 20.7 m Belfort precipitation gauge 42.7 m east-southeast of tower Snow depth gauge 1510 cm, 37 m west-northwest of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, northwest of tower Tipping bucket precipitation 42.7 m east-southeast of tower Suite B Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- Pyrgeometer 35.1 m Pyranometer 36.6 m Shadow Band Stand 36.6 m Saskatoon (all Suite B instruments are colocated with the Suite A instruments): Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 1.3 m Net radiometer 1.45 m Albedometer 1.62 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 1.71 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm Soil temperature probe -20 cm Soil temperature probe -50 cm Barometric pressure 1.3 m Wind monitor 10 m Belfort precipitation gauge 1.2 m Snow depth gauge 1235 cm Soil moisture sensor -10 cm Tipping bucket precipitation Not available Suite B Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- Pyrgeometer 1.53 m Pyranometer 1.58 m Shadow Band Stand 1.58 m Lynn Lake: Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 15.2 m Net radiometer 15.2 m Albedometer 15.2 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 15.2 m Lower canopy temperature probe 2.6 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, 1.8 m south of tower Soil temperature probe -20 cm, 1.8 m south of tower Soil temperature probe -50 cm, 1.8 m south of tower Barometric pressure 9.3 m IR temperature 15.2 m Wind monitor 15.2 m Belfort precipitation gauge 8.3 m north-northwest of tower Snow depth gauge 1700 cm, 18.3 m north-northwest of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, 1.8 m south of tower Tipping bucket precipitation 18.3 m southeast of tower The Pas: Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 21.9 m Net radiometer 21.9 m Albedometer 21.9 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 21.9 m Lower canopy temperature probe 2.1 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, slightly east of tower Soil temperature probe -20 cm, slightly east of tower Soil temperature probe -50 cm, slightly east of tower Barometric pressure 18.9 m IR temperature 21.9 m Wind monitor 21.9 m Belfort precipitation gauge 200 m northeast of tower Snow depth gauge 1920 cm, 200 m northeast of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, slightly east of tower Tipping bucket precipitation 200 m northeast of tower Northern Study Area (NSA)-OJP (the Suite A instruments are at NSA-OJP, and the Suite B instruments are at the BOREAS Fen site, which is approximately 15 km from the NSA-OJP): Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 15.8 m Net radiometer 15.8 m Albedometer 15.8 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 15.8 m Lower canopy temperature probe 4.6 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, Not available Soil temperature probe -20 cm, Not available Soil temperature probe -50 cm, Not available Barometric pressure 16.2 m, north of the tower IR temperature 15.8 m Wind monitor 15.8 m Belfort precipitation gauge northwest of tower Snow depth gauge 2200 cm, northwest of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, Not available Tipping bucket precipitation northwest of tower NSA-Fen: Suite B Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- Pyrgeometer 3.7 m Pyranometer 3.7 m Shadow Band Stand 3.7 m Thompson: Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 18.9 m Net radiometer 18.9 m Albedometer 18.9 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 18.9 m Lower canopy temperature probe 1.8 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, 2 m northwest of the tower Soil temperature probe -20 cm, 2 m northwest of the tower Soil temperature probe -50 cm, 2 m northwest of the tower Barometric pressure 5.5 m IR temperature 18.9 m Wind monitor 18.9 m Belfort precipitation gauge 7.3 m, 10 m northeast of tower Snow depth gauge 2100 cm, 50 m east-northeast of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, Not available Tipping bucket precipitation 50 m east-northeast of tower Flin-Flon (Suite B instruments are located about 500 m from the Suite A instruments): Suite A Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- PAR radiometer 17.9 m Net radiometer 17.9 m Albedometer 17.9 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 17.9 m Lower canopy temperature probe 2.2 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, 3 m northwest of the tower Soil temperature probe -20 cm, 3 m northwest of the tower Soil temperature probe -50 cm, 3 m northwest of the tower Barometric pressure 2.8 m, north of the tower IR temperature 17.9 m Wind monitor 17.9 m Belfort precipitation gauge 22.9 m northeast of the tower Snow depth gauge 1900 cm, 21 northeast of the tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, 3 m northwest of the tower Tipping bucket precipitation 22.9 m northeast of the tower Suite B Instrument Height on tower/Location ----------- ------------------------- Pyrgeometer 1.7 m Pyranometer 2.0 m Shadow Band Stand 2.0 m 4.1.7 Manufacturer of Sensor/Instrument PAR radiometer: Skye Single Channel PAR Sensor. Manufactured by: Skye Instruments Ltd. Net radiometer: Fritschen Q-6 Net Radiometer. Manufactured by: Radiation and Energy Balance Systems, Inc. Albedometer (Solar and reflected): Eppley Model PSP Precision Spectral Pyranometers. Manufactured by: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Temperature and relative humidity probe: Model HMP35CF Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe. Manufactured by: Campbell Scientific. Lower canopy temperature probe: Model 107F Temperature Probe. Manufactured by: Campbell Scientific. Soil temperature probe: Model 108BAM Temperature Probe. Manufactured by: Campbell Scientific. Barometric pressure sensor: Model SBP270 Barometric Pressure Sensor. Manufactured by: Setra. IR temperature sensor: Model 4000AL Infrared Thermometer. Manufactured by: Everest Interscience. Wind monitor: Model 05103-10 Wind Monitor. Manufactured by: R.M. Young. Belfort precipitation gauge: Belfort Rainfall Transmitter. Manufactured by: Belfort Instrument Company. Snow depth gauge: UDG01 Ultrasonic Depth Gauge. Manufactured by: Campbell Scientific. Soil moisture sensor: Matrix Water Potential Soil Moisture Sensor. Manufactured by: Matrix. Tipping bucket precipitation gauge: Model TE525 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge. Manufactured by: Texas Electronics. Pyrgeometer: Model PIR Precision Infrared Radiometer. Manufactured by: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Pyranometer: Model PSP Precision Pyranometer. Manufactured by: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Shadow band stand: Manufactured by: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. The following tables lists the instrument serial numbers by site. La Ronge: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937019 Net radiometer Q94175 Albedometer - Solar 29804F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29805F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1036 Lower canopy temperature probe C1240 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1825 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1798 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1827 Barometric Pressure 395165 IR Temperature 2608-6 Wind monitor 14637 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 11462, bucket: 16470 Snow depth gauge C1506 Soil moisture sensor 1045 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge TB0230001 Meadow Lake: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937027 Net radiometer 87122 Albedometer - Solar 29798F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29799F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1049 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1829 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1809 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1801 Barometric Pressure 395172 Wind monitor 14276 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 1946 Snow depth gauge C1187 Soil moisture sensor 1046 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 13274-394 SSA-OA: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937020 Net radiometer 93233 Albedometer - Solar 29803F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29802F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1052 Lower canopy temperature probe C1238 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1819 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1802 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1810 Barometric Pressure 330019 IR Temperature 2608-7 Wind monitor 14688 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 11401 Snow depth gauge C1339 Soil moisture sensor 1044 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge Not available Suite B Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer 29752F3 Pyranometer 29091F3 Shadow band stand 9906 SSA-OJP: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937028 Net radiometer 94174 Albedometer - Solar 29878F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29879F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1048 Lower canopy temperature probe C1235 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1818 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1817 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1812 Barometric Pressure 395174 IR Temperature 2608-5 Wind monitor 15039 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 4845 Snow depth gauge C1507 Soil moisture sensor 1040 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge TB023002 Suite B Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer 28809F3 Pyranometer 2987F3 Shadow band stand Not available Saskatoon: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937026 Net radiometer Q94064 Albedometer - Solar 29796F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29797F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1051 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm Not available Soil temperature probe at -20 cm Not available Soil temperature probe at -50 cm Not available Barometric Pressure 482535 Wind monitor 14294 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 1146-2 Snow depth gauge C1521 Soil moisture sensor 1043 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge Not available Suite B Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer 29750 Pyranometer 29718 Shadow band stand Not available Lynn Lake: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937025 Net radiometer 93231 Albedometer - Solar 29792F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29793F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1025 Lower canopy temperature probe C1241 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1797 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1814 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1811 Barometric Pressure 395166 IR Temperature 2608-8 Wind monitor 15047 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 5846 Snow depth gauge C1516 Soil moisture sensor 1037 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge Not available The Pas: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937018 Net radiometer 93214 Albedometer - Solar 29791F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29790F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1053 Lower canopy temperature probe C1239 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1821 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1804 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1831 Barometric Pressure 395172 IR Temperature 2608-3 Wind monitor 14252 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 4810 Snow depth gauge C1339 Soil moisture sensor 1036 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge TB37982-64 NSA-OJP: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937023 Net radiometer 93236 Albedometer - Solar 29806F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29807F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1053 Lower canopy temperature probe C1234 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1823 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1806 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1808 Barometric Pressure 395168 IR Temperature 2608-9 Wind monitor 14681 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: Not available Snow depth gauge C1505 Soil moisture sensor 1039 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge Not available NSA-Fen: Suite B Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer 29754F3 Pyranometer 29721F3 Shadow band stand Not available Thompson: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937022 Net radiometer 93213 Albedometer - Solar 29876F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29877F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1187 Lower canopy temperature probe C1233 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1807 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1832 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1805 Barometric Pressure 414247 IR Temperature 2608-1 Wind monitor 14288 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 5-4057 Snow depth gauge C1341 Soil moisture sensor 1038 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge Not available Flin-Flon: Suite A Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- PAR radiometer SKE51006937021 Net radiometer 93232 Albedometer - Solar 29795F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29794F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1193 Lower canopy temperature probe C1518 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1820 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1828 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1815 Barometric Pressure 414249 IR Temperature 2608-2 Wind monitor 15045 Belfort precipitation gauge manufacturer: 4810 Snow depth gauge C1518 Soil moisture sensor 1041 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge TB37983-64 Suite B Instrument Serial Number ----------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer 29751F3 Pyranometer 29093F3 Shadow band stand Not available 4.2 Calibration 4.2.1 Specifications The following tables give the calibration multiplier and constant (if applicable) for each instrument at each site. La Ronge: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer 0.5 None given Net radiometer 0.07 14.0 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.5954530 8.41 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.56947 8.78 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) 10 feet 0.1 (humidity) Lower canopy temperature probe 0.001 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 80 IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge 0.078259 None given Snow depth gauge 1.0 None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.03 None given Meadow Lake: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer 0.5 None given Net radiometer 0.0505 10.1 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.639391 7.82 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.60459 8.27 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) 100 feet 0.1 (humidity) Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 80 Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge Not available None given Snow depth gauge 1.0 None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.25 None given SSA-OA: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer 0.5 None given Net radiometer 0.0665 13.3 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.55741 8.97 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.55991 8.93 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) 100 feet 0.1 (humidity) Lower canopy temperature probe 0.001 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 None given IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge 0.07386 None given Snow depth gauge 1.0 None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.024 None given Suite B Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer None given None given Pyranometer None given None given SSA-OJP: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer None given None given Net radiometer None given 13.3 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.58616 8.97 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.57013 8.93 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) 35 feet 0.1 (humidity) Lower canopy temperature probe 0.001 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure None given None given IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge 0.07824 None given Snow depth gauge 1.0 None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.025 None given Suite B Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer None given 2.76 W/m2 Pyranometer None given 8.77 W/m2 Saskatoon: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer None given None given Net radiometer None given None given Albedometer - Solar 1.1891 8.97 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 1.1416 8.93 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) 10 feet 0.1 (humidity) Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge None given None given Snow depth gauge None given None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.2 None given Suite B Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer None given None given Pyranometer None given None given Lynn Lake: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer 0.5 Not available Net radiometer 0.066 13.2 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.60533 8.26 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.59312 8.43 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) 35 feet 0.1 (humidity) Lower canopy temperature probe 35 feet None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 None given IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge 0.07181 None given Snow depth gauge 1.0 None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.025 None given The Pas: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer 0.5 Not available Net radiometer 0.065 13.0 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.58824 8.50 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.62035 8.06 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) 35 feet 0.1 (humidity) Lower canopy temperature probe 0.001 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 None given IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge 0.07155 None given Snow depth gauge 1.0 None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.05 None given NSA-OJP: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer None given None given Net radiometer 0.0645 12.9 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.59595 8.39 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.61652 8.11 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) None given 0.1 (humidity) Lower canopy temperature probe 0.001 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 80 IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge 0.07824 None given Snow depth gauge None given None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.025 None given NSA-Fen: Suite B Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer None given 3.42 W/m2 Pyranometer None given 8.55 W/m2 Thompson: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer 0.5 Not available Net radiometer 0.0645 12.9 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.58343 8.57 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.57274 8.73 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) 10 feet 0.1 (humidity) Lower canopy temperature probe 0.001 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 80 IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge 0.11518 None given Snow depth gauge 1.0 None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge None given None given Flin-Flon: Suite A Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- PAR radiometer None given None given Net radiometer 0.066 13.2 w2/(mVm2) Albedometer - Solar 0.56948 8.89 microV/wm2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.56370 8.21 microV/wm2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp) None given 0.1 (humidity) Lower canopy temperature probe 0.12 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure None given None given IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed) None given 0.071 (direction) Belfort precipitation gauge 1 None given Snow depth gauge None given 39 Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge None given None given Suite B Instrument type Multiplier Calibration Constant --------------------- ---------- -------------------- Pyrgeometer None given None given Pyranometer None given None given Tolerance The following list gives information relating to the tolerances of the instruments used: PAR radiation: Without filters, this instrument is sensitive to electromagnetic energy with wavelengths between 300 and 1000 nanometers. The instrument contains glass and metal interference filters that cut the response to between 400 and 700 nanometers. Net radiation: A 5-degree error in leveling the net radiometer may result in an error of up to 6 percent under normal conditions (e.g., the sun is relatively high in the sky). Errors greater than 6 percent may occur when the sun is near the horizon. Albedometer: The albedometers used in the BOREAS study are sensitive to electromagnetic energy with wavelengths between 285 and 2800 nanometers. Temperature and relative humidity probe: The temperature piece of this ensemble has an accuracy rating of +/- 0.4 °C over a temperature range from -53 to +48 °C. The humidity probe has an accuracy of +/- 2 percent relative humidity from 0 to 90 percent and a rating of +/- 3 percent over a relative humidity of 90 percent. Lower canopy temperature probe: This probe has an accuracy rating of +/- 0.4 °C over a temperature range from -53 to +48 °C. Soil temperature probes: The soil temperature probes located at the BOREAS sites have an accuracy of +/- 0.4 °C over a from of temperature from -33 to +48 °C. Barometric pressure sensor: The accuracy of the Setra SBP270 is +/- 0.2 millibars. IR Thermometer: None given. Wind sensor: The range in wind speeds that can be measured by the R.M. Young Wind Monitor is ±60 meters/second with a maximum gust survival of 100 meters/second. Belfort precipitation gauge: None given. Snow depth sensor: The snow depth sensor can measure depths between 0.6 meters and 10 meters with an accuracy of +/- 1 centimeter or 0.4 percent of the distance from the sensor to the target. The vertical resolution of the sensor is 0.5 millimeters. Soil moisture: None given. Tipping bucket precipitation gauge: None given. Pyrgeometer: The Eppley pyrgeometer has a temperature dependence of +/- 2 percent when the temperature is between -20 and +40 °C. Pyranometer: The pyranometers used for Suite B sites have a temperature dependence of +/- 1 percent over a range in ambient temperatures from -20 to +40 °C. 4.2.2 Frequency of Calibration All instruments were calibrated by the manufacturer or by SRC before being installed in the sites. Most of the instruments were again calibrated at the end of March 1994 during the spring inspection tour. Due to the shortness of the experiments, the instruments were not required to have full laboratory calibrations. 4.2.3 Other Calibration Information None given. 5. Data Acquisition Methods The AMS system installed for BOREAS consists of transportable computerized weather observing stations that routinely measure wind, temperature, humidity, pressure, and precipitation at all stations. The stations are equipped to measure soil temperature; surface radiative temperature; shortwave, net, and infrared radiation; and soil moisture. Most of the instruments are scanned every 5 seconds and averaged every 15 minutes. Many of the stations are powered by solar panels, thereby enabling them to be located remotely without the need for commercial power. Data are collected via a modem and commercial phone lines. The data are downloaded every 6 hours to the base station at SRC. A computerized limit checker examines the data to be sure they are within specified limits. SRC staff performed quality checking and once per month sent the Suite A data to BORIS in Lotus 123 version 3.1 format. Suite B station data were also collected every 5 seconds. Individual storage modules were sent to SSA-OA, SSA-OJP, and Flin Flon once per month. The onsite observer exchanged the modules and sent the previous month’s module back to SRC via courier. NSA-OJP and Saskatoon data were downloaded to the SRC via phone lines. At SRC, the data underwent quality checking before being sent to BORIS in ASCII format. 6. Observations 6.1 Data Notes Detailed notes on site maintenance and problems are given in Section 11. 6.2 Field Notes Detailed notes on site maintenance and problems are given in Section 11. 7. Data Description 7.1 Spatial Characteristics 7.1.1 Spatial Coverage The SRC AMS data collected for BOREAS cover an area of roughly 1,000 by 1,000 kilometers over much of northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The list below provides the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates and descriptions for all of the SRC AMS sites. La Ronge (55°07'31"N 105°17'35"W; Elevation 381 m; Site ID ZBG): This site has the full complement of Suite A sensors. The dominant vegetation types in the area are spruce and poplar trees that extend to a height of roughly 11.5 meters in the area immediately surrounding the tower. This site is approximately 1 km away from the town of La Ronge. Meadow Lake (54°07'28"N 108°31'21"W; Elevation 480 m; Site ID ZBH): This site contains only a partial complement of Suite A instrumentation. It does not include IR radiation or lower canopy temperature probe. All other Suite A instruments are at this location. The Meadow Lake instruments are located in an area where grassland is the dominant land cover. The few trees in the area are spruce and poplar. SSA-OA (53°37'45"N 106°11'51"W; Elevation 587 m; Site ID ZBI): The SSA-OA site (located in the Prince Albert National Forest) has a full complement of both the Suite A and Suite B instrumentation. This site is located in an aspen-dominated forest where the tallest parts of the canopy reach roughly 21.5 meters. This site is approximately 100 km away from the city of Prince Albert. SSA-OJP (53°54'59"N 104°41'26"W; Elevation 511 m; Site ID ZBJ): The SSA-OJP site (located in the Nipawin Provincial Park) contains all of the Suite A and Suite B instrumentation. This area around the tower is dominated by jack pine. The tallest trees in the area around the tower are roughly 16.8 meters, while the top of the tower is at 20.7 meters. This site is approximately 100 km away from the town of Nipawin. Saskatoon (52°09'50"N 106°36'12"W; Elevation 480 m; Site ID ZBK): The Saskatoon AMS site is located on a grassland area within the city of Saskatoon. The grass around the instrument site is cut approximately once per week during the growing season. This site does not include the IR sensor or the below-canopy temperature sensor. The serial numbers for instruments at the Saskatoon site are missing in many cases because most of the instrument were installed over 20 years ago when the use of serial numbers was not common. Lynn Lake (56°51'50"N 101°05’33"W; Elevation 366 m; Site ID ZBL): Lynn Lake has a full complement of Suite A instruments. This tower is located in a dense stand of jack pine. The maximum tree height in the area surrounding the tower is approximately 14.3 meters, while the top of the tower is at 15.2 meters. This site is approximately 20 km from the town of Lynn Lake. The Pas (53°58'6"N 101°31'15"W; Elevation 267 m; Site ID ZBN): The Pas hosts all of the Suite A instruments. The tower is located in a forest dominated by spruce and poplar that achieve a maximum height of roughly 18.3 meters. The tower itself extends to 21.9 meters. This site is approximately 15 km away from the town of The Pas. NSA-OJP (55°55'41"N 98°38'26"W Elevation 282 m; Site ID ZBO): The Suite A instruments are located here. The complementary Suite B instrumentation is located at the NSA-Fen site. The trees at the NSA-OJP site are roughly 12.8 meters tall, while the top of the tower extends to 18.9 meters. This site is approximately 40 km away from the settlement of Nelson House. NSA-Fen (55°54’57"N 98°25’12"W): The Suite B instruments are located here. The complementary Suite A instrumentation is located at the NSA-OJP site. At the NSA-Fen site there are no significant trees. The shrubbery in the area of the tower is less than 5 meters tall. This site is approximately 50 km away from the settlement of Nelson House. Thompson (55°48’13"N 97°52'25"W; Elevation 221 m; Site ID ZBQ): Thompson is a fully instrumented Suite A AMS site. The instruments are located in an area that is dominated by spruce and poplar. The tops of the trees nearest the tower are approximately 13 meters while the top of the tower extends to 19 meters. This site is about 1 kilometer away from the town of Thompson. Flin Flon (54°40'16"N 101°41'24"W; Elevation 305 m; Site ID ZBR): The Flin Flon AMS site contains both the Suite A and Suite B BOREAS instruments. The forest around this site is predominantly spruce and poplar, rising to a height of 13.1 meters in the vicinity of the Suite A tower. The tower itself is located on a large, flat rock (roughly 5 meters wide and 10-15 meters long). This site is about 1 kilometer away from the town of Flin Flon. 7.1.2 Spatial Coverage Map Not available. 7.1.3 Spatial Resolution The data represent point source measurements taken at the listed sites. 7.1.4 Projection Not applicable. 7.1.5 Grid Description Not applicable. 7.2 Temporal Characteristics 7.2.1 Temporal Coverage Data at the BOREAS AMS sites nominally cover the period from 01-JAN-1994 to 30- NOV-1996. 7.2.2 Temporal Coverage Map The table below gives detailed date ranges for individual sites: Site Start Date End Date ------------ ----------- ----------- La Ronge 15-DEC-1993 30-NOV-1996 Meadow Lake 03-FEB-1994 30-NOV-1996 SSA-OA 15-DEC-1993 30-NOV-1996 SSA-OJP 15-DEC-1993 30-NOV-1996 Saskatoon 15-FEB-1994 30-NOV-1996 Lynn Lake 15-DEC-1993 30-NOV-1996 The Pas 15-DEC-1993 30-NOV-1996 NSA-OJP and NSA-Fen 16-JAN-1994 30-NOV-1996 Thompson 15-DEC-1993 30-NOV-1996 Flin Flon 22-DEC-1993 30-NOV-1996 Note: This table gives nominal start and end dates for data collection at site. Specific instruments did not necessarily begin or end data collection at the above times. 7.2.3 Temporal Resolution To fully understand the microclimate of the boreal forest, it was necessary to make consistent measurements over a long time period. Consequently, the nominal sampling period did not change for the duration of the experiment. Individual cases of instrument error or data logger failure occasionally caused the period between recorded data to change. A list of known errors of this type is given in Section 11. For the most part, the BOREAS SRC AMS sites collected data with the same sampling strategy. Samples of each variable were acquired every 5 seconds. These samples were then averaged over 15-minute periods to get the actual data values. The standard deviations given are for the 5-second samples that make up the 15-minute averages. The exceptions to this strategy were the Belfort precipitation, snow depth, tipping bucket precipitation, and soil moisture data. The Belfort precipitation and snow depth data were sampled every minute, the reported data values for each hour are the average from minute 55 to minute 59. The tipping bucket precipitation was sampled every 5 seconds, and the data values reported are the running total every 15 minutes. The soil moisture data were sampled every 30 seconds, the data value is given at minute 50. 7.3 Data Characteristics Data characteristics are defined in the companion data definition files: Suite A (samsa94d.def, samsa95d.def, and samsa96d.def) and Suite B (samsb94d.def, samsb95d.def, and samsb96d.def). 7.4 Sample Data Record Sample data format shown in the companion data definition files: Suite A (samsa94d.def, samsa95d.def, and samsa96d.def) and Suite B (samsb94d.def, samsb95d.def, and samsb96d.def). 8. Data Organization 8.1 Data Granularity Suite A and Suite B Surface Meteorological and Radiation Data are separated by year (i.e., 1994, 1995, 1996) and then by site (i.e., Suite A - 10 sites and Suite B - 5 sites) within each year. 8.2 Data Format The data files contain numerical and character fields of varying length separated by commas. The character fields are enclosed with a single apostrophe marks. There are no spaces between the fields. Sample data records are shown in the companion data definition files: Suite A (samsa94d.def, samsa95d.def, and samsa96d.def) and Suite B (samsb94d.def, samsb95d.def, and samsb96d.def). 9. Data Manipulations 9.1 Formulae 9.1.1 Derivation Techniques and Algorithms The data underwent some manipulation before they were sent to BORIS. These manipulations include such things as unit changes, and putting in -999 where there was missing data. The following formulas were used in calculating the variables sent to BORIS. ("aa" is equal to the value from the data logger; also see following note on value adjustments) Par Radiation: (aa/900*1000). Par Radiation Standard Deviation: (aa*1000). Net Radiation: (aa/900*1000). Net Radiation Standard Deviation: (aa*1000). Solar Down Radiation: (aa/900*1000). Solar Down Radiation Standard Deviation (aa*1000). Solar Reflected Radiation: (aa/900*1000). Wind U Component: (aa*(SIN((ab+180)*3.1459/180))) (where aa is Wind Speed and ab is Wind Direction). Wind V Component: (aa*(COS((ab+180)*3.1459/180))) (where aa is Wind Speed and ab is Wind Direction). Belfort Precipitation: aa minus initial base reading. Snow Depth: Height of snow depth sensor minus aa. In Dec 1998, Alan Betts discovered that the standard deviations of all radiation values as given (for PAR, Solar, Net, Diffuse, and LW) are 5 times greater than they should be. This error arose because the values were accumulated in KJ/m2 by the data logger for 5-sec intervals, and the standard Campbell Scientific formula (see following Appendix Note) was then used to calculate standard deviation from N = 180 accumulated values, Xi, in a 15-min interval (900 secs). The 15-min mean in W/m2 is given by: Xmean = (1000/5)*?Xi/N = (1000/900)* ?Xi The calculation of the mean was done in postprocessing by multiplying the accumulated flux by (1000/900). The 15-min standard deviation in W/m2 of the 180 5-sec samples is given by: S = (1000/5)* [(?Xi2 - (?Xi)2/N)/N]_ In this case the data logger software was used to compute the term in square brackets from the 5-sec values (units KJ/m2 ). The conversion to W/m2 is again (1000/5), but the data logger value was only multiplied by 1000 in postprocessing. Consequently the archived values for the standard deviation of the radiation fluxes must all be divided by a factor of 5. The data loggers accumulated flux in KJ/m2 for 5-sec intervals, and the conversion to W/m2 is aa*(1000/5), not the conversion of aa*1000, listed below, which was actually used in the original data processing. Appendix Note: ** 82 Standard Deviation in Time** formula taken from the Campbell Datalogger: Function: Calculate the standard deviation (STD DEV) of a given input location. The standard deviation is calculated using the formula: S=((?Xi2 - (?Xi)2/N)/N)_ where Xi is the ith measurement and N is the number of samples. 9.2 Data Processing Sequence 9.2.1 Processing Steps None given. 9.2.2 Processing Changes In completing data set publication efforts in August 1999, Dr. Alan Betts (Atmospheric Research) informed BORIS staff of a problem with the data provided for the Thompson Airport, Suite-A station (labeled in the final data as NSA-9BS- YTHSA) from December 24, 1994 to December 1, 1996. The problem was that the sign of the V-component of the wind direction was reversed from what it should have been. This resulted in the overall wind direction values being incorrect. BORIS staff worked with Dr. Betts to correct the two data values in each record and update the documentation as needed. Using the column names shown in section 7.3, the corrections (shown in the C programming language) were applied as follows: V_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC = -V_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC; if (MEAN_WIND_SPEED_15MIN != -999) /* The wind speed value is not undefined */ { if (V_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC == 0) { if (U_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC == 0) /* Both components are 0 */ { MEAN_WIND_DIR_15MIN = 0; } else if (U_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC > 0) { MEAN_WIND_DIR_15MIN = 270; } else if (U_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC < 0) { MEAN_WIND_DIR_15MIN = 90; } else if (V_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC > 0) { MEAN_WIND_DIR_15MIN = 180 + (180/pi)*atan(U_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC/V_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC); } else if (V_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC < 0) { MEAN_WIND_DIR_15MIN = 360 + (180/pi)*atan(U_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC/V_COMPNT_WIND_VELOC); } if (MEAN_WIND_DIR_15MIN > 360) { MEAN_WIND_DIR_15MIN = MEAN_WIND_DIR_15MIN - 360; } } 9.3 Calculations 9.3.1 Special Corrections/Adjustments See Sections 9.2.2 and 14. 9.3.2 Calculated Variables See Sections 9.2.2 and 14. 9.4 Graphs and Plots None. 10. Errors 10.1 Sources of Error See Sections 4 and 9.1.1. 10.2 Quality Assessment 10.2.1 Data Validation by Source The observers filled out a checklist each time the site was visited. Figure 16 is a sample of the checklist the observers used to record needed information. The AMS data are subjected to several levels of quality assurance. First there is a program (limit checker) that analyzes the data as they are downloaded every 6 hours. The limit checker spots any anomalies that may have occurred in the data in the previous 6-hour time period. The limit checker is a program written in C++. Each instrument has a C++ subroutine file that has the limits defined for that instrument. The printout of each error detected gives time of error, the instrument, and the number of occurrences of the error. The limits used for each parameter were: PAR Radiation: Upper 400; Noon 20; Lower -20 Humidity: Upper 100; Lower 10 Net Radiation: Upper 700; Midnight 0; Lower -100 Pressure: Upper 105; Lower 90 Upper Albedometer: Upper 900; Noon 50; Lower -20 IR Temperature: Upper 50; Difference 10; Lower -45 Lower Albedometer: Upper 500; Noon 2; Lower -20 Wind Speed: Upper 23; Lower 0 Upper Canopy Temperature: Upper 40; Difference 7; Lower -45 Wind Direction: Difference 0 Lower Canopy Temperature: Upper 40; Difference 7; Lower -45 Belfort: Upper 300; Difference -3.5; Lower 0 Soil Temperature 10 cm: Upper 30; Difference 10; Lower -20 Snow Depth: Upper 3000; Lower 400 Soil Temperature 20 cm: Upper 30; Difference 10; Lower -20 Soil Moisture: Upper 30; Lower -20 Soil Temperature 50 cm: Upper 30; Difference 10; Lower -20 Tipping Bucket: min 2 Humidity: min 98 Tipping: min 1 Battery: Lower 11.5 The data are screened once per month by plotting the data to examine them on a day-to-day basis, looking for any peculiar diurnal effects. The third stage is converting the data into the units requested by BORIS. 10.2.2 Confidence Level/Accuracy Judgment None given. 10.2.3 Measurement Error for Parameters None given. 10.2.4 Additional Quality Assessments None given. 10.2.5 Data Verification by Data Center BORIS personnel have reviewed portions of the actual parameter values and generated plots for use in visually spotting any anomalous values. In addition, BORIS staff applied the correction described in Section 9.2.2 to the wind direction values. 11. Notes 11.1 Limitations of the Data Specific limitations of the data due to poor quality are given in Section 11.2. 11.2 Known Problems with the Data This section lists the times when data are unavailable or there is a known difficulty with the data. The information is organized by measurement type (Suite A or Suite B), chronologically, and then by site. Suite A: 15-Dec-1993 to 15-Jan-1994 All Sites: Regular site maintenance was not performed during the reporting period. Consequently heavy frost buildup occurred on all radiation instruments which may affect the accuracy of the data. Due to instrumentation design changes the Infrared sensor was not available for the reporting period. Prior to 18-Feb- 1994, the pressure data at all BOREAS AFM-07 sites were offset by approximately -1.0 to -1.5 kPa. This means that the pressure values prior to 18-Feb-1994 can only be used to view trends, but the numbers themselves are not accurate and should not be used. The Saskatoon site was not corrected until 14-Apr-1994. La Ronge: Snow depth data relative to 15-Dec-1993. Belfort precipitation data relative to 15-Dec-1993. SSA-OA: Suite A data unavailable from 24-Dec to 31-Dec-1993. Belfort precipitation gauge not calibrated. Belfort Precipitation relative to 15-Dec- 1993. Snow depth data unavailable. Sensor knocked over by an animal and damaged. Data available for part of 10-Jan and 11-Jan-1994 due to a power supply shortage at site. SSA-OJP: Snow depth data relative to 15-Dec-1993. Belfort precipitation data relative to 15-Dec-1993. Lynn Lake: Snow depth data relative to 15-Dec-1993. Belfort precipitation data relative to 15-Dec-1993. The Pas: Snow depth data relative to 15-Dec-1993. Belfort precipitation data relative to 15-Dec-1993. PAR sensor unavailable from 22-Dec-1993 to 15-Jan-1994 due to electronic malfunction. Thompson: Snow depth data relative to 15-Dec-1993. Belfort precipitation data relative to 15-Dec-1993. No pressure measurement available due to malfunction of instrument from 15-Dec-1993 to 08-Jan-1994. Data unavailable from 08-Jan to 15-Jan-1994. Flin Flon: Snow depth data relative to 22-Dec-1993. Belfort precipitation data relative to 22-Dec-1993. Data unavailable from 15-Dec to 22-Dec-1993 due to power supply shortage. Partial data for 24-Dec-1993. 15-Jan to 19-Feb-1994 All sites: IR Sensor data unavailable for 15-Dec to 19-Feb-1994. Soil moisture instrument out of season, therefore no data available. Tipping bucket instrument out of season, therefore no data available. La Ronge: Regular site maintenance began on 27-Jan-1994. Meadow Lake: Installation date 03-Feb-1994. Data for 03-Feb to 19-Feb-1994 only. No IR sensor or lower canopy temperature at this site as there is no forest canopy. Soil temperatures to be installed when ground thaws. Regular site maintenance began on 09-Mar-1994. SSA-OA: Data unavailable from 15-Jan to 20-Jan-1994. Snow depth sensor unavailable due to wildlife damage. Regular site maintenance began on 22-Feb- 1994. Suite B THemisph data missing 20-Jan to 29-Mar-1994. SSA-OJP: Regular site maintenance began on 18-Feb-1994. Saskatoon: Data unavailable from 15-Jan to 15-Feb-1994. Installation date - 15-Feb-1994. Belfort precipitation data relative to 15-Feb-1994. Regular site maintenance began on 24-Feb-1994. Lynn Lake: Regular site maintenance began on 28-Jan-1994. The Pas: PAR sensor unavailable from 15-Jan to 30-Jan-1994 due to instrument problems. Regular site maintenance began on 29-Jan-1994. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation sensor unavailable. Regular site maintenance began on 28-Jan-1994. Thompson: Belfort precipitation reset to zero on 16-Jan-1994. Regular site maintenance began on 28-Jan-1994. Flin Flon: Regular site maintenance began on 29-Jan-1994. 19-Feb to 31-Mar-1994 La Ronge: IR sensor installed 26-Mar-1994 (85:2130). Special site maintenance 26-Mar-1994 - tower lowered. 02-Mar to 10-Mar once an hour all values are missing due to program error. Meadow Lake: No Belfort precipitation available due to installation problems. Soil temperatures to be installed when ground thaws. 02-Mar to 10-Mar once an hour all values are missing due to program error. SSA-OA: Data missing from 17-Mar (76:0600) to 23-Mar-1994 (82:2200) due to electronic failure of the data logger. Snow depth data not available until 22- Feb-1994 (53:2000). 02-Mar to 10-Mar - once an hour all values missing due to program error. Special site maintenance done on 29-Mar-1994 - tower lowered. SSA-OJP: 02-Mar to 10-Mar - once an hour all values are missing due to program error. Special site maintenance done on 31-Mar-1994 - tower lowered. Saskatoon: Pressure data not available from 19-Feb to 03-Mar-1994 and from 21- Mar to 28-Mar-1994. Net radiation data not available from 21-Mar to 31-Mar- 1994. Suite B data (ThPile, TCase, and THemisph) missing 19-Feb to 28-Feb-1994. Suite B data (ThPile, TCase, and THemisph) missing 01-Mar to 03-Apr-1994. Lynn Lake: IR sensor data not available until 11-Mar-1994 when sensor was installed. 02-Mar to 10-Mar - once an hour all values are missing due to program error. Special site maintenance done on 25-Mar-1994 - tower lowered. The Pas: 02-Mar to 10-Mar - once an hour all values are missing due to program error. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation data not available until 23-Mar-1994 due to instrument problems. 02-Mar to 10-Mar - once an hour all values are missing due to program error. Special site maintenance done on 23-Mar-1994 - tower lowered. Thompson: 02-Mar to 10-Mar - once an hour all values are missing due to program error. Special site maintenance done on 22-Mar-1994 - tower lowered. Flin Flon: No IR sensor data available due to instrumentation design changes. 02-Mar to 10-Mar - once an hour all values are missing due to program error. 01-Apr to 30-Apr-1994 La Ronge: Soil moisture temperature data commenced 17-Apr-1994. Meadow Lake: Belfort precipitation data commenced 18-Apr-1994. Soil temperature data unavailable - instrument not yet installed. Soil moisture data unavailable - instrument not yet installed. SSA-OA: Data missing from 91:2245 to 91:2315 due to program maintenance. Soil moisture data unavailable due to instrument malfunction. SSA-OJP: Belfort data unavailable. Soil moisture data unavailable due to instrument malfunction. Saskatoon: Net radiation data commenced 05-Apr-1994. Data missing part of 01- Apr and 02-Apr-1994 (91:0215-92:0715).Soil moisture data unavailable - instrument yet to be installed. Lynn Lake: Soil moisture data unavailable - instrument yet to be installed. The Pas: Soil moisture data commenced 17-Apr-1994. Snow depth data unavailable from 04-Apr to 08-Apr-1994 and from 14-Apr to 18-Apr-1994. NSA-OJP: Soil moisture data commenced 17-Apr-1994. Thompson: Belfort precipitation data unavailable from 11-Apr to 30-Apr-1994. Flin Flon: IR temperature data commenced 08-Apr-1994. Soil moisture data unavailable - not yet installed. 01-May to 31-May-1994 La Ronge: No data available from 08-May (128:1800) to 11-May-1994 (131:1915). Snow depth data not available for summer months. Tipping bucket data commences 18-May-1994. Soil moisture temperature commences 18-May-1994. Meadow Lake: Soil temperatures commenced 21-May-1994. Snow depth data not available for summer months. Belfort precipitation data relative to 18-Apr- 1994. No data available for 26-May-1994 (145:2200 to 146:2330). SSA-OA: Snow depth data not available for summer months, 1994. Tipping bucket data commences 01-May-1994. Suite B ThPile data missing 147:2200, 1994. SSA-OJP: Snow depth data not available for summer months, 1994. Tipping bucket data commences 01-May-1994. Suite B data missing 140:1530 to 140:1745, 1994. Saskatoon: Pressure data not available from 18-May to 27-May-1994. Snow depth data not available for summer months, 1994. Suite B data missing 131:1430 to 133:0430. Suite B data missing 152:1915, 1994. Lynn Lake: Snow depth data not available for summer months, 1994. Tipping bucket data commences 15-May-1994. The Pas: Belfort precipitation data not available from 17-May to 31-May-1994. Snow depth data not available for summer months, 1994. Tipping bucket data commences 15-May-1994. Soil moisture temperature data commences 25-May-1994. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation data not available from 15-May to 31-May-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 23-Mar-1994. Snow depth data not available for summer months, 1994. Tipping bucket data commences 15-May-1994. Soil moisture temperature data commences 24-May-1994. Thompson: Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-May to 31-May-1994. Snow depth data not available for summer months, 1994. Tipping bucket data commences 25-May-1994. Soil moisture temperature data not available for all of 1994. Flin Flon: Solar reflected data not available from 01-May to 31-May-1994. Snow depth data not available for summer months, 1994. Tipping bucket data commences 01-May-1994. Soil moisture data commences 30-May-1994. 01-Jun to 30-Jun-1994 La Ronge: Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Dec-1993. Meadow Lake: Belfort precipitation relative to 18-Apr-1994. Tipping Bucket Data commences 01-Jun-1994. Soil moisture temperature data commences 01-Jun- 1994. SSA-OA: Data missing for part of 14-Jun-1994. Data missing from 25-Jun (176:0215) to 30-Jun-1994 (182:2400). Belfort precipitation is relative to 15- Dec-1993. Suite B data missing 152:1730 to 152:1845 and 175:0245 to 0300, 1994. SSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Dec-1993. Soil moisture temperature data commences 06-Jun-1994. Saskatoon: Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Feb-1994. Tipping bucket data commences 02-Jun-1994. Soil moisture temperature data commences 01-Jun-1994. Suite B data missing 165:1800. Lynn Lake: Data missing from 05-Jun (156:1200) to 14-Jun-1994 (165:1800). Data missing from 20-Jun (171:1800) to 24-Jun-1994 (175:2245). Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Dec-1993. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 14-Jun-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 24-Jun-1994. The Pas: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Jun to 30-Jun-1994. Data missing from 23-Jun (174:1800) to 29-Jun-1994 (180:2045). Tipping bucket total reset to zero 29-Jun-1994. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Jun to 14-Jun-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 14-Jun-1994. Thompson: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Jun to 15-Jun-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Jun-1994. Flin Flon: Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Dec-1993. 01-Jul to 31-Jul-1994 La Ronge: Data missing from 04-Jul (185:1800) to 08-Jul-1994 (189:0600). Data missing from 09-Jul (190:0630) to 11-Jul-1994 (192:2330). Data missing from 16- Jul to 31-Jul-1994 with the exception of the radiation instruments (PAR, Net, SolarDown, and Solar Reflected) for the period 28-Jul to 31-Jul-1994. Belfort precipitation not available from 11-Jul to 31-Jul-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero on 12-Jul-1994. SSA-OA: Data missing from 10-Jul (191:0015) to 13-Jul-1994 (194:2230). Data missing for part of 01-Jul-1994. Data missing for part of 15-Jul-1994. Data missing from 16-Jul (197:1815) to 21-Jul-1994 (202:0245). Data missing for part of 22-Jul-1994 (203:0015 to 1615). Belfort precipitation relative to 01-Jul- 1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 02-Jul-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 13-Jul-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 15-Jul-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 21-Jul-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 23-Jul-1994. SSA-OJP: Data missing for 15-Jul (197:0000) to 20-Jul-1994 (201:2030). Tipping bucket total reset to zero 20-Jul-1994. Belfort precipitation data missing for 15-Jul to 23-Jul-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 23-Jul-1994. Suite B LW Down data missing 28-Jun to 19-Jul-1994. Lynn Lake: Data missing for 15-Jul (197:0000) to 18-Jul-1994 (199:2000). Tipping bucket total reset to zero 18-Jul-1994. The Pas: Belfort precipitation data missing for 01-Jul to 31-Jul-1994. Upper canopy temperature data missing from 02-Jul to 10-Jul-1994. Data missing for part of 22-Jul-1994. Belfort precipitation data relative to 22-Jul-1994. Flin Flon: Belfort precipitation data missing for 04-Jul to 21-Jul-1994. 01-Aug to 31-Aug-1994 La Ronge: Data missing 01-Aug to 11-Aug-1994 except for the radiation sensors (PAR, Net, Solar Down, and Solar Reflected). SSA-OA: Data missing from 06-Aug to 10-Aug-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 11-Aug-1994. Data missing from 27-Aug to 30-Aug-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 30-Aug-1994. Belfort precipitation reset to zero on 12-Aug- 1994. Belfort precipitation missing from 06-Aug to 12-Aug-1994. Belfort precipitation missing from 27-Aug to 31-Aug-1994. SSA-OJP: Data missing for part of 19-Aug-1994. Suite B data missing (ThPile, TCase, THemisph) for 26-Jul to 19-Aug-1994. Lynn Lake: Data missing from 06-Aug to 16-Aug-1994. Belfort precipitation missing from 15-Aug to 31-Aug-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 16-Aug- 1994. The Pas: Note: the spikes in the Belfort precipitation data are due to an electronic malfunction of the instrument; however, the upper values of the graph are correct. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation missing from 15-Aug to 31-Aug-1994. Suite B data missing 2200:2215 to 293:1615 inclusive. 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1994 SSA-OA: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 30-Sep-1994. Some instruments missing for part of 01- Sep-1994. SSA-OJP: Some instruments missing for part of 09-Sep-1994. Suite B data missing (LW Down and ThPile) 19-Aug to 02-Oct-1994. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1994. Data missing from 26-Sep to 29-Sep-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero 29-Sep- 1994. The Pas: Note: the spikes in the Belfort precipitation data are due to an electronic malfunction of the instrument; however, the upper values of the graph are correct. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1994. Flin Flon: Belfort precipitation data missing from 07-Sep to 30-Sep-1994. 01-Oct to 31-Oct-1994 Meadow Lake: Tipping bucket data discontinued for winter months 27-Oct-1994. SSA-OA: Belfort precipitation data relative to 01-Oct-1994. SSA-OJP: Suite B data missing 289:1130 to 289:1315, 1994. Suite B data missing (LWDown and ThPile) for 02-Oct to 11-Nov-1994. Saskatoon: Suite B data missing 301:2230 to 310:2245. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data missing for 01-Oct-1994. Belfort precipitation data missing for 09-Oct to 31-Oct-1994. Missing data for part of 09-Oct-1994. Missing data for 16-Oct to 25-Oct-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero on 25-Oct-1994. The Pas: Note: the spikes in the Belfort precipitation data are due to an electronic malfunction of the instrument. The upper values of the graph, however, are correct. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation data missing 01-Oct to 31-Oct-1994. Thompson: Soil moisture temperature data not available. Flin Flon: Belfort precipitation relative to 01-Oct-1994. Tipping bucket data missing 15-Oct to 25-Oct-1994. Tipping bucket total reset to zero on 25-Oct- 1994. 01-Nov to 30-Nov-1994 La Ronge: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Nov to 21-Nov-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 21-Nov-1994. Meadow Lake: Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-Nov to 29-Nov- 1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 29-Nov-1994. SSA-OA: 02-Nov-1994 at 2100 hours the Belfort precipitation gauge had unmelted snow bridging on it which was dumped in all at once by the observer and represents snowfall for that day. Snow depth data missing from 09-Nov to 20-Nov- 1994. Suite B data missing (LW Down, ThPile, TCase, THemisph) 314:2030 to 314:2100, 1994. SSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Nov to 15-Nov-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Nov-1994. Suite B data missing - LW Down 322:0015 to 331: 1645; ThPile 315:1945 to 322:0200; T Case and THemisph 322:0015 to 322:0145, 1994. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Nov to 03-Nov-1994. Belfort precipitation data relative to 03-Nov-1994. Snow depth data missing from 10-Nov to 30-Nov-1994. The Pas: Snow depth data missing from 01-Nov to 30-Nov-1994. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Nov to 20-Nov-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 20-Nov-1994. Snow depth data missing from 19- Nov to 30-Nov-1994. Thompson: Belfort precipitation data missing from 19-Nov to 21-Nov-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 21-Nov-1994. 01-Dec to 31-Dec-1994 La Ronge: Belfort precipitation relative to 21-Nov-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. Meadow Lake: Belfort precipitation relative to 29-Nov-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. SSA-OA: Belfort precipitation relative to 01-Oct-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. SSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Nov-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. Suite B LW Down data missing 331:1700 to 339: 2300, 1994. Saskatoon: Snow depth data missing from 04-Dec to 13-Dec-1994. Belfort precipitation relative to 15-Feb-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Dec to 31-Dec-1994. Snow depth data missing from 01-Dec to 02-Dec-1994. Snow depth data missing from 05- Dec to 07-Dec-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. The Pas: Belfort precipitation relative to 08-Dec-1994. Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Dec to 08-Dec-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation relative to 20-Nov-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. Suite B data missing 314:2215 to 342:0130 inclusive. Suite B data missing 341:1530 to 341:1830 inclusive. Thompson: Wind speed and wind direction data missing from 04-Dec to 24-Dec- 1994. Soil moisture temperatures missing 01-Dec to 31-Dec-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. Flin Flon: Belfort precipitation relative to 01-Oct-1994. Tipping bucket data unavailable during winter months. Suite B data missing 339:1530 to 330:1600 and 342:1215. 01-Jan to 31-Jan-1995 La Ronge: Snow depth sensor may be affected by a rabbit path located directly under sensor from 01-Jan to 31-Jan-1995. SSA-OA: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Jan to 27-Jan-1995. Belfort precipitation relative to 27-Jan-1995. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data missing from 01-Jan to 31-Jan-1995. Thompson: Soil moisture temperature data missing from 01-Jan to 31-Jan-1995. 01-Feb to 28-Feb-1995 SSA-OA: Duplicated time and day (34:15) - the second one is correct. Saskatoon: Belfort precipitation missing from 03-Feb to 06-Feb-1995. Belfort precipitation missing from 08-Feb to 10-Feb-1995. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation missing from 01-Feb to 12-Feb-1995. NSA-OJP: Data missing from 02-Feb to 22-Feb-1995. Snow depth data missing 01- Feb to 22-Feb-1995. Thompson: Soil moisture temperature data missing from 01-Feb to 28-Feb-1995. 01-Mar to 31-Mar-1995 Thompson: Soil moisture temperature data missing 01-Mar to 31-Mar-1995. 01-Apr to 30-Apr-1995 The Pas: Note: the spikes in the Belfort precipitation data are due to electronic malfunction of the instrument; however, the general shape of the graph is correct. Thompson: Soil moisture temperature data missing 01-Apr to 30-Apr-1995. 01-May to 31-May-1995 La Ronge: Snow depth sensor removed 12-May-1995 for summer period. Tipping bucket data restarted 03-May-1995. Meadow Lake: Snow depth sensor removed 01-May-1995 for summer period. Tipping bucket data restarted 01-May-1995. SSA-OA: Snow depth sensor removed 02-May-1995 for summer period. Tipping bucket data restarted 01-May-1995. Belfort precipitation missing 22-May to 31- May-1995. SSA-OJP: Snow depth sensor removed 02-May-1995 for summer period. Tipping bucket data restarted 07-May-1995. Saskatoon: Snow depth sensor removed 30-Apr-1995 for summer period. Tipping bucket data restarted 01-May-1995. Lynn Lake: Snow depth sensor removed 09-May-1995 for summer period. Tipping bucket data restarted 15-May-1995. Belfort precipitation missing 15-May to 31- May-1995. The Pas: Snow depth sensor removed 02-May-1995 for summer period. Belfort precipitation missing 07-May to 31-May-1995. Note: the spikes in the Belfort precipitation data are due to electronic malfunction of the instrument; however, the general shape of the graph is correct. NSA-OJP: Snow depth sensor removed 06-May-1995 for summer period. Belfort precipitation missing 24-May to 31-May-1995. Suite B missing data 126:1815 to 128:0330 inclusive. Suite B missing data 147:1815 to 149:0045 inclusive. Thompson: Tipping bucket data restarted 08-May-1995. Soil moisture temperature missing 01-May to 31-May-1995. Snow depth sensor removed 16-May-1995 for summer period. Flin Flon: Tipping bucket data restart 01-May-1995. Snow depth sensor removed 10-May-1995 for summer period. 01-Jun to 30-Jun-1995 La Ronge: Data missing 17-Jun to 23-Jun-1995. SSA-OA: Belfort precipitation data missing 01-Jun to 11-Jun-1995. Belfort precipitation relative to 11-Jun-1995. Data missing part of 17-Jun-1995. Data missing part of 20-Jun-1995. Tipping bucket relative to 20-Jun-1995. Suite B data missing 163:0030 to 163:0045, 1995. Suite B ThPile data missing 171:0515. SSA-OJP: Data missing 02-Jun to 22-Jun-1995. Belfort precipitation relative to 22-Jun-1995. Tipping bucket precipitation relative to 22-Jun-1995. IR sensor data missing 22-Jun to 30-Jun-1995. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data missing 01-Jun to 30-Jun-1995. Data missing 04-Jun to 15-Jun-1995. The Pas: Belfort precipitation data missing 01-Jun to 30-Jun-1995. Relative humidity data missing 26-Jun to 30-Jun-1995. Tipping bucket reset to zero 21- Jun-1995. Soil moisture temperature data missing from 19-Jun to 30-Jun-1995. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation data missing 01-Jun to 24-Jun-1995. Tipping bucket precipitation data missing 01-Jun to 24-Jun-1995. Belfort precipitation relative to 24-Jun-1995. Tipping bucket precipitation relative to 24-Jun-1995. Thompson: Soil moisture temperature data missing 01-Jun to 30-Jun-1995. Flin Flon: Belfort precipitation data missing 28-Jun to 30-Jun-1995. Suite B data missing 173:2200 to 173:2215 inclusive. 01-Jul to 31-Jul-1995 SSA-OA: No data available for 11-Jul-1995 due to data logger malfunction. Tipping bucket reset to zero on 12-Jul-1995. SSA-OJP: IR sensor data not available from 01-Jul to 06-Jul-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Lynn Lake: No data available from 06-Jul to 15-Jul-1995 due to data logger failure. Only partial data available from 02-Jul to 05-Jul-1995 due to multiplexer failure. No data available from 15-Jul to 20-Jul-1995 due to data logger failure. Belfort precipitation and tipping bucket reset to zero on 20- Jul-1995. The Pas: Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-Jul to 03-Jul-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Humidity data not available from 01-Jul to 07- Jul-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Upper canopy temperature not available from 09-Jul to 22-Jul-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Soil moisture temperature data missing from 01-Jul to 31-Jul-1995. Thompson: Soil moisture temperature data not available due to instrument malfunction. Flin Flon: Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-Jul to 08-Jul-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Belfort precipitation reset to zero on 08-Jul- 1995. 01-Aug to 21-Aug-1995 La Ronge: No data available from 15-Aug to 21-Aug-1995 due to data logger failure. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 29-Aug-1995. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 21-Aug-1995. SSA-OA: No data available from 08-Aug to 10-Aug-1995 due to data logger failure. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 10-Aug-1995. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 10-Aug-1995. Some data not available on 22-Aug and 27-Aug-1995 due to repairs. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 23-Aug-1995. Saskatoon: 20-cm soil temperature data not available from 08-Aug to 31-Aug-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Lynn Lake: No data available from 02-Aug to 14-Aug-1995 due to data logger failure. Belfort precipitation data not available from 02-Aug to 15-Aug-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 15-Aug- 1995. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 17-Aug-1995. The Pas: No data available from 09-Aug to 10-Aug-1995 and 13-Aug to 16-Aug-1995 due to data logger failure. Belfort precipitation data not available from 01- Aug to 31-Aug-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Upper-canopy temperature not available from 15-Aug to 25-Aug-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 16-Aug-1995. Soil moisture temperature data missing from 01-Aug to 31-Aug-1995. NSA-OJP: Belfort precipitation not available 01-Aug to 15-Aug-1995 not available. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 17-Aug-1995. Thompson: Soil moisture temperature data not available 01-Aug to 31-Aug-1995 due to instrument malfunction. No data available except radiation data (PAR_Rad, Net_Rad, Sol_down, Sol_refl) from 17-Aug to 31-Aug-1995 due to multiplexer failure. 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1995 Meadow Lake: Tipping bucket data not available from 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1995. Saskatoon: 20-cm soil temperature data not available from 01-Sep to 08-Sep-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Lynn Lake: No data available from 12-Sep to 24-Sep-1995 due to data logger failure. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 24-Sep-1995. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 24-Sep-1995. The Pas: No data available from 08-Sep to 11-Sep-1995 and part of 15-Sep-1995. Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 11-Sep-1995. Upper canopy temperature not available from 15-Sep to 30-Sep-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Soil moisture temperature data missing from 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1995. Thompson: No data available except Radiation Data (PAR_Rad, Net_Rad, Sol_down, Sol_refl) from 01-Sep to 27-Sep-1995 due to multiplexer failure. No data available from 27-Sep to 30-Sep-1995 due to data logger failure. 01-Oct to 31-Oct-1995 Meadow Lake: Tipping bucket data not available from 01-Oct to 31-Oct-1995. Lynn Lake: Soil moisture temperature not available 01-Oct to 31-Oct-1995 due to instrument malfunction. The Pas: Soil moisture temperature data not available 01-Oct to 31-Oct-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-Oct to 13-Oct-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 14-Oct-1995. Upper canopy temperature not available from 01-Oct to 14-Oct-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Thompson: No data available from 01-Oct to 13-Oct-1995 due to data logger failure. Solar down and solar reflected radiation not available from 13-Oct to 31-Oct-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Belfort precipitation and tipping bucket reset to zero on 13-Oct-1995. Flin Flon: Tipping bucket data not available from 15-Oct 31-Oct-1995. 01-Nov to 30-Nov-1995 SSA-OJP: No data available from 09-Nov to 11-Nov-1995 due to communication problems. Snow depth data not available from 15-Nov to 30-Nov-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-Nov to 19-Nov-1995. Soil moisture temperature data not available from 01-Nov to 30-Nov-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 19-Nov- 1995. The Pas: Soil moisture temperatures not available 01-Nov to 30-Nov-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Thompson: Solar down and solar reflected radiation not available from 01-Nov to 23-Nov-1995 due to instrument malfunction. 01-Dec to 31-Dec-1995 SSA-OJP: Snow depth data not available from 01-Dec to 21-Dec-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Lynn Lake: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Dec to 31-Dec-1995 due to instrument malfunction. The Pas: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Dec to 31-Dec-1995 due to instrument malfunction. Flin Flon: No data available from 30-Dec to 31-Dec-1995 due to communication problems. 01-Jan to 31-Jan-1996 SSA-OA: Snow depth data not available from 15-Jan to 31-Jan-1996 due to instrument malfunction. Lynn Lake: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Jan to 31-Jan-1996 due to instrument malfunction. The Pas: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Jan to 31-Jan-1996 due to instrument malfunction. NSA-OJP: Radiation sensors appear to have a buildup of snow/frost (01-Jan to 31-Jan-1996) because the observer may not be visiting this site regularly. Thompson: Humidity data affected by a malfunctioning sensor (01-Jan to 31-Jan- 1996). 01-Feb to 29-Feb-1996 SSA-OA: Snow depth data not available from 01-Feb to 09-Feb-1996 due to instrument damage. Lynn Lake: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Feb to 29-Feb-1996 due to instrument malfunction. The Pas: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Feb to 29-Feb-1996 due to instrument malfunction. Thompson: Humidity data affected by a malfunctioning sensor (01-Feb to 15-Feb- 1996). Humidity data not available from 15-Feb to 29-Feb-1996 due to instrument malfunction. 01-Mar to 31-Mar-1996 Lynn Lake: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Mar to 31-Mar-1996 due to instrument malfunction. The Pas: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Mar to 31-Mar-1996 due to instrument malfunction. 01-Apr to 30-Apr-1996 Lynn Lake: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Apr to 30-Apr-1996 due to instrument malfunction. The Pas: Soil moisture temperatures not available from 01-Apr to 30-Apr-1996 due to instrument malfunction. 01-May to 31-May-1996 La Ronge: No data available from 09-May to 12-May-1996 due to communication problems. Tipping bucket data commenced 16-May-1996. Snow depth data complete 22-May-1996. Meadow Lake: Tipping bucket data commenced 01-May-1996. Snow depth data completed 30-Apr-1996. SSA-OA: Tipping bucket data commenced 01-May-1996. Snow depth data complete 15-May-1996. SSA-OJP: Tipping bucket data commenced 12-May-1996. Snow depth data complete 29-May-1996. Saskatoon: Tipping bucket data commenced 01-May-1996. Snow depth data completed 11-May-1996. Lynn Lake: Tipping bucket data commenced 01-May-1996. Soil moisture temperatures not available 01-May to 31-May-1996 due to instrument malfunction. Snow depth data completed 24-May-1996. No data available 30-May to 31-May-1996 due to data logger malfunction. The Pas: Snow depth data completed 10-May-1996. Soil moisture temperatures not available due to instrument malfunction 01-May to 31-May-1996. Tipping bucket data commenced 26-May-1996. NSA-OJP: Tipping bucket data commenced 05-May-1996. Snow depth data completed 17-May-1996. Thompson: Snow depth data completed 28-May-1996. Flin Flon: Tipping bucket data commenced 01-May-1996. Snow depth data completed 17-May-1996. 01-Jun to 30-Jun-1996 SSA-OA: No data available from 03-Jun to 07-Jun-1996. Lynn Lake: Soil moisture temperatures repaired on 05-Jun-1996. No data available from 01-Jun to 05-Jun-1996, 07-Jun to 13-Jun-1996, 19-Jun to 24-Jun- 1996, and 29-Jun to 30-Jun-1996. The Pas: Soil moisture temperatures repaired on 04-Jun-1996. No data available from 19-Jun to 30-Jun-1996. 01-Jul to 31-Jul-1996 La Ronge: No data available from 14-Jul to 15-Jul and from 24-Jul to 30-Jul- 1996. Belfort precipitation data not available for 15-Jul to 31-Jul-1996. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 15-Jul-1996. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 30-Jul-1996. SSA-OA: No data available from 05-Jul to 08-Jul-1996 and part of 11-Jul to 12- Jul-1996. No data available for part of 21-Jul to 22-Jul, 30-Jul to 31-Jul, and 24-Jul to 28-Jul-1996 due to data logger failure. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 08-Jul , 12-Jul , and 21-Jul-1996. Tipping bucket data not available from 22-Jul to 31-Jul-1996. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 28-Jul- 1996. Lynn Lake: No data available from 01-Jul to 02-Jul-1996 due to data logger failure. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 02-Jul-1996. The Pas: Tipping bucket data not available from 01-Jul to 31-Jul-1996. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 01-Jul-1996. 01-Aug to 31-Aug-1996 La Ronge: No data available from 01-Aug to 05-Aug and from 10-Aug to 14-Aug- 1996 due to data logger failure. No Belfort precipitation data from 14-Aug to 25-Aug-1996 due to instrument malfunction. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 05-Aug-1996. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 14-Aug-1996. SSA-OA: No data available from 01-Aug to 06-Aug-1996 due to data logger failure. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 06-Aug-1996. Saskatoon: No data available from 02-Aug to 06-Aug-1996 due to data logger failure. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 06-Aug-1996. Lynn Lake: No data available from 04-Aug to 12-Aug, and from 21-Aug to 23-Aug due to data logger failure. Belfort precipitation data not available from 01- Aug to 31-Aug-1996 due to instrument malfunction. Tipping bucket data reset to zero on 12-Aug and 23-Aug-1996. The Pas: Tipping bucket data not available from 01-Aug to 31-Aug-1996 due to instrument malfunction. 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1996 La Ronge: Vandals placed an item into the Belfort Fluid on 31-Aug-1996 which was removed on 02-Sep-1996. Disregard the sudden addition and subtraction of the Belfort measurement. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-Sep to 30-Sep-1996. 01-Oct to 31-Oct-1996 La Ronge: Belfort precipitation not available from 06-Oct to 15-Oct and from 19-Oct to 31-Oct-1996 due to vandalism at the site. Belfort precipitation data not available from 19-Oct to 31-Oct-1996 due to vandalism at the site. Lynn Lake: Belfort precipitation data not available from 01-Oct to 15-Oct-1996. Belfort precipitation data reset to zero on 17-Oct-1996. 01-Nov to 30-Nov-1996 La Ronge: Snow depth data not available 01-Nov to 30-Nov-1996 due to vandalism at the site. Belfort precipitation data not available 01-Nov to 30-Nov-1996 due to vandalism at the site. Lynn Lake: No data available from 22-Nov to 30-Nov-1996 due to instrument malfunction. Thompson: Prior to September 1999, the wind direction data stored in BORIS were incorrect for the Thompson station (NSA-9BS-YTHSA) from 24-Dec-1994 to 01-Dec- 1996. See Section 9.2.2 for details on the corrections applied. Suite B: SSA-OA: THemisph data not available 20-Jan to 29-Mar-1994. Data missing from 314:2030 to 314:2199, 1995 due to site maintenance. Data missing 163:0030 to 163:0045, 1995 inclusive. ThPile data missing 171:0515, 1995. ThPile data missing 254:2345 to 255:0015, 1995 inclusive. LW Down, TCase, and THemisph data missing 255:0000 to 255:0015, 1995 inclusive. Data missing 298:1045 to 321:2330, 1995 inclusive. LW Down, ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 325:2045 to 325:2100, 1995 inclusive. LW Down, ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 136:0145 to 136:0215, 1996 inclusive. LW Down, ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 168:0000 to 168:0015, 1996 inclusive. Data missing 199:1045 to 199:1345, 1996 inclusive. Data missing 230:2030 to 237:1745, 1996 inclusive. Data missing 237:1800 to 251:1730, 1996 inclusive. Data missing 253:0200, 1996. SSA-OJP: Data unavailable from 19-Jul to 26-Jul-1994. ThPile, TCase, and THemisph unavailable from 20-Jul to 02-Oct-1994 due to equipment failure. LW Down and ThPile data missing 02-Oct to 11-Nov-1994. LW Down data missing 322:0015 to 338:2245, 1994. ThPile data missing from 315:1945 to 322:0200, 1994. TCase and THemisph data missing from 322:0015 to 322:0145, 1994 due to equipment failure. Data missing 153:0000 to 173:1730, 1995 inclusive. Data missing 268:0900 to 275:1600, 1995 inclusive. Data missing 290:1800 to 290:1830, 1995 inclusive. Data missing 303:0500 to 303:0530, 1995 inclusive. LWDown data missing 326:0015 to 337:1730, 1995 inclusive. ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 326:0015 to 326:0030, 1995 inclusive. Data missing 355:1930 to 355:1445, 1995 inclusive. LW Down data missing 337:1745 to 355:2045, 1995 inclusive. LW Down, ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 155:1330 to 155:1345, 1996 inclusive. LW down, ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 298:2000-2045, 1996 inclusive. Saskatoon: Data missing from 301:2230 to 301:2245, 1994 due to equipment maintenance. LW Down data missing 250:0900 to 185:0115, 1995 inclusive. ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 285:0100 to 285:0115, 1995 inclusive. LW Down, ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 131:2215, 1996. Data missing 214:1400 to 219:1715, 1996 inclusive. NSA-OJP: Data missing from 220:2215 to 233:0400, 1994 due to observer error. Data missing 341:2215 to 342:0130, 1994 due to site maintenance. Data missing 126:1815 to 128:2130, 1995. Data missing 147:1215 to 148:1845, 1995. Data missing 327:1215 to 345:0400, 1995 inclusive. LW Down, ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 158:1500, 1996. Flin Flon: Data missing 339:1530 to 339:1600, 1994 inclusive. Data missing 342:1215, 1994 due to site maintenance. Data missing 173:2200 to 173:2215, 1995 inclusive. Data missing 326:1745, 1995. LW Down, ThPile, TCase, and THemisph data missing 156:0245, 1996. Data missing 335:1630 to 336:0600 inclusive. 11.3 Usage Guidance Guidance on proper usage should come from review of the information given in Sections 9.2.2 and 11.2. 11.4 Other Relevant Information None. 12. Application of the Data Set These data will useful in many ways. The length of time over which regular measurements were made presents an unmatched opportunity to study the microclimate of the boreal forest. A succinct list is impossible to create because of the broad nature of studies to which these data are applicable. However, the following short list provides a general description of the types of studies that might find these data useful: - Modeling of Earth surface processes (climate, weather, vegetation growth, etc.). - Validation of existing models. - Creation of new methods for estimating climate and meteorological parameters. 13. Future Modifications and Plans The data that were collected for the BOREAS project officially ended on 30-Nov- 1996. There are a few sites, however, that were maintained for a longer period of time through non-BOREAS funding. These data are not available from the official BOREAS database, but information on how to obtain these supplemental data can be received by contacting the BOREAS staff. 14. Software 14.1 Software Description Campbell Scientific data logger programs were developed for the various sites. Quality checking software was developed and used at the SRC office. 14.2 Software Access A file containing the Campbell Scientific data logger programs for the various sites is available and included on the BOREAS CD-ROM. Contact SRC regarding the quality checking software that was developed and used at the SRC office. 15. Data Access 15.1 Contact for Data Center/Data Access Information These BOREAS data are available from the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOS-DIS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The BOREAS contact at ORNL is: ORNL DAAC User Services Oak Ridge National Laboratory (865) 241-3952 15.2 Procedures for Obtaining Data BOREAS data may be obtained through the ORNL DAAC World Wide Web site at or users may place requests for data by telephone, electronic mail, or fax. 15.3 Output Products and Availability Requested data can be provided electronically on the ORNL DAAC's anonymous FTP site or on various media including, CD-ROMs, 8-MM tapes, or diskettes. The complete set of BOREAS data CD-ROMs, entitled "Collected Data of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study", edited by Newcomer, J., et al., NASA, 1999, are also available. 16. Output Products and Availability 16.1 Tape Products None. 16.2 Film Products None. 16.3 Other Products These data are available on the BOREAS CD-ROM series. A report on analysis of the soil probe/soil moisture measurements is also available and is included on the BOREAS CD-ROM. 17. References 17.1 Platform/Sensor/Instrument/Data Processing Documentation BEI Motion Systems Company. ND. Specifications: Series M25 Absolute Position Encoders. BEI Motion Systems Company, Chatsworth, CA. Belfort Instrument Company. 1985. Instruction Manual Rain Gage Catalog Numbers 35-1558 and 35-1559: Instructions - Maintenance - Parts List. Belfort Instrument Company, Baltimore, MD. Belfort Instrument Company. 1987. Instruction Book for Rainfall Transmitter Cat. No. 5915 Series - Related Instruction Book Chart Drive Mechanism 12049. Belfort Instrument Company, Baltimore, MD. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1985. Belfort Weighing Rain and Snow Gage Series 5915 and 6071P. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1987. Model TE525 Tipping Bucket Raingage. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1991. DC112 Modem. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1991. Precision Meteorological Instruments. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1991. Radiotelemetry Network Applications Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1991. TE525 Tipping Bucket Raingage. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1992. 036, 038 Spark Gapped Junction Box. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1992. FP/BCD Interface Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1992. RF95 Radio Frequency System. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. 05103-10, 05305-10 and 05701- 10 R.M. Young Wind Monitors Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. 4000AL Everest Interscience Infrared Thermometer Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. Model 107F Temperature Probe Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. Model HMP35CF Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. Campbell Scientific, Inc. 1993. PC208 Data Logger Support Software Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific, Inc. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. UDG01 Ultrasonic Depth Gauge Operator's Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1994. 4000AL Everest Interscience Infrared Thermometer Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1994. Q-7 Net Radiometer. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta. DSG Communications Inc. 1993. LineShare LS-2 User's Manual. DSG Communications Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. E.F. Johnson Data Telemetry Products. ND. 3410 Series Telemetry Modules. E.F. Johnson Data Telemetry Products, Pickering, Ontario. Environment Canada. 1992. Manual of Surface Weather Observations (MANOBS). Environment Canada. Downsview, Ontario. The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. ND. Instrumentation for the Measurement of the Components of Solar and Terrestrial Radiation. The Eppley Laboratory, Inc., Newport, RI. Meteorology Research, Inc. 1967. Tipping Bucket Raingage Model 302. Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena, CA. ROHN Towers. 1983. "Fold-over" Towers. ROHN, Peoria, IL. 17.2 Journal Articles and Study Reports Newcomer, J., D. Landis, S. Conrad, S. Curd, K. Huemmrich, D. Knapp, A. Morrell, J. Nickeson, A. Papagno, D. Rinker, R. Strub, T. Twine, F. Hall, and P. Sellers, eds. 2000. Collected Data of The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study. NASA. CD- ROM. Sellers, P. and F. Hall. 1994. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1994-3.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 94). Sellers, P. and F. Hall. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1996-2.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 96). Sellers, P., F. Hall, and K.F. Huemmrich. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1994 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 94). Sellers, P., F. Hall, and K.F. Huemmrich. 1997. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1996 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 96). Sellers, P., F. Hall, H. Margolis, B. Kelly, D. Baldocchi, G. den Hartog, J. Cihlar, M.G. Ryan, B. Goodison, P. Crill, K.J. Ranson, D. Lettenmaier, and D.E. Wickland. 1995. The boreal ecosystem-atmosphere study (BOREAS): an overview and early results from the 1994 field year. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 76(9):1549-1577. Sellers, P.J., F.G. Hall, R.D. Kelly, A. Black, D. Baldocchi, J. Berry, M. Ryan, K.J. Ranson, P.M. Crill, D.P. Lettenmaier, H. Margolis, J. Cihlar, J. Newcomer, D. Fitzjarrald, P.G. Jarvis, S.T. Gower, D. Halliwell, D. Williams, B. Goodison, D.E. Wickland, and F.E. Guertin. 1997. BOREAS in 1997: Experiment Overview, Scientific Results and Future Directions. Journal of Geophysical Research 102(D24): 28,731-28,770. Shewchuk, S.R. 1993. Atmospheric Sciences Infrastructure Core Measurements for BOREAS. Saskatchewan Research Council [SRC] Pub No. E-2300-6-F-92, SRC, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Shewchuk, S.R. 1994. Atmospheric Science Infrastructure Measurements for BOREAS. Saskatchewan Research Council [SRC] Pub. No. E-2310-3-E-94, SRC, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Shewchuk, S.R. 1994. Atmospheric Sciences Surface MESONET Infrastructure Core Measurements for BOREAS. Saskatchewan Research Council [SRC] Pub. No. E-2300-7- F-94, SRC, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Shewchuk, S.R. 1995. The Surface Mesoscale Meteorological System for BOREAS/ Abstract. Saskatchewan Research Council [SRC] Pub. No. E-2310-1-D-95, SRC, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Shewchuk, S.R. 1996. An Overview of the Climatology for the Intensive Field Campaign Years of 1994 and 1995 at a Selected BOREAS/SRC Mesonet Site. Draft. Saskatchewan Research Council [SRC] Pub. No. R-1570-2-D-96, SRC, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Shewchuk, S.R. 1996. The Mesoscale Distribution of Soil Moisture over the SRC/NASA Mesonet Sites for the IFC 2 Periods of 1994. Draft. Saskatchewan Research Council [SRC] Pub. No. R-1570-1-D-96, SRC, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Shewchuk, S.R. 1997. Surface Mesonet for BOREAS. Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (D24): 29,077-29,082. Smith, E.A., W.L. Corsson, and B.D. Tanner, 1992. Estimation of surface heat and moisture fluxes over a prairie grassland 1. In situ energy budget measurements incorporating a cooled mirror dew point hygrometer. Jpurnal of Geophysical research 97 (D17): 18,557 – 18,582. Wittrock, V. 1994. Examination of the Matrix Water Potential Sensor. Saskatchewan Research Council [SRC] Pub. No. E-2310-4-E-94, SRC, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 17.3 Archive/DBMS Usage Documentation None. 18. Glossary of Terms None. 19. List of Acronyms AES - Atmospheric and Environmental Services AFM - Aircraft Flux and Meteorology AMS - Automatic Meteorological Station ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange BOREAS - BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study BORIS - BOREAS Information System BPI - Byte per inch CCRS - Canada Centre for Remote Sensing CCT - Computer Compatible Tape CD-ROM - Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory DAAC - Distributed Active Archive Center DAT - Digital Archive Tape EOS - Earth Observing System EOSDIS - EOS Data and Information System FAX - Facsimile FIFE - First ISLSCP Field Experiment GIS - Geographic Information System GMT - Greenwich Mean Time GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center HTML - HyperText Markup Language IFC - Intensive Field Campaign IR - Infrared ISLSCP - International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project MARSII - Meteorological Automatic Reporting System II MESONET - Mesoscale Network NAD27 - North American Datum of 1927 NAD83 - North American Datum of 1983 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NSA - Northern Study Area ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory PANP - Prince Albert National Park PAR - Photosynthetically Active Radiation READAC - Remote Environmental Automated Data Acquisition Concept SRC - Saskatchewan Research Council SSA - Southern Study Area URL - Uniform Resource Locator UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator 20. Document Information 20.1 Document Revision Date Written: 15-Dec-1994 Last Update: 23-Sep-1999 20.2 Document Review Date BORIS Review: 24-Feb-1998 Science Review: 06-Mar-1998 20.3 Document ID 20.4 Citation When using these data, please include the following acknowledgment as well as citations of relevant papers in Section 17.2: These data were provided by the diligent work of many people within Saskatchewan Research Council. Special thanks go to the observers for their assistance with this report. If using data from the BOREAS CD-ROM series, also reference the data as: Shewchuk S.R., "Atmospheric Sciences Infrastructure Core Measurements for BOREAS (AFM-07)." In Collected Data of The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study. Eds. J. Newcomer, D. Landis, S. Conrad, S. Curd, K. Huemmrich, D. Knapp, A. Morrell, J. Nickeson, A. Papagno, D. Rinker, R. Strub, T. Twine, F. Hall, and P. Sellers. CD-ROM. NASA, 2000. Also, cite the BOREAS CD-ROM set as: Newcomer, J., D. Landis, S. Conrad, S. Curd, K. Huemmrich, D. Knapp, A. Morrell, J. Nickeson, A. Papagno, D. Rinker, R. Strub, T. Twine, F. Hall, and P. Sellers, eds. Collected Data of The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study. NASA. CD-ROM. NASA, 2000. 20.5 Document Curator 20.6 Document URL Keywords: Relative Humidity Surface Meteorology Temperature Wind Direction Wind Speed AFM07_SRC_AMS.doc 09/30/99